Aadaab of passing wind
Q: What are the adaab of passing wind in Islam?
Q: What are the adaab of passing wind in Islam?
Q: When someone does good to you, is it Sunnah to say:
What was the practise of Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam and the Sahaba R.A, please provide reference?
Q: When a person is sneezing multiple times should alhamdulillah be recited after each sneeze and should others reply as many times as is sneezed, or after 3 times should they stop?
Q: Can we send around unconfirmed news? What does Islam actually teach us about this matter? Explain from Quran and Hadith with reference.
Q: What exactly does it mean when we are advised not to concern ourselves with that which does not concern you? For eg. my husband is going somewhere and I ask him where he is going to?and why? etc. Am I wrong to be asking questions? How do I prevent myself from bothering over useless issues like these?