Forgetting to say takbeer after the first tashahhud
Q: Please can you tell me if my salah is valid if I forgot to say takbeer after the first tashahud and did not perform sajdah sahw.
Q: Please can you tell me if my salah is valid if I forgot to say takbeer after the first tashahud and did not perform sajdah sahw.
Q: Do we need to move the finger or just raise it while reciting tashahhud?
Q: Can we read "rabbana hablana min azwajina.....imama" and "rabana aatina fidduniya hasanah......waqina azab-al-meezan" in namaz after durood and before salam?
Q: What if a person makes a mistake in the first salam of salah (i.e changes ح to خ) and without correcting it moves to the second salam, is the prayer valid?
Q: Is the following commonly recited dua after durood thabit?
اللهم اغفرلي و لوالدي و لأستاذي و لجميع المؤمنين و المؤمنات و المسلمين و المسلسلات برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين
Q: I just want to ask when performing the tashahhud, when will I raise my finger and when should I place it down?
Q: Can I read the following dua in my salaah? (Eg in sajdah, end of tashahhud)
توكلت على الحى الذى لا يموت الحمد لله لم يتخذ ولد و لم يكن له شريك فى الملك و لم يكن له ولى من ذل و كبره تكبيرا
Q: Is my Salaah valid if I read some other Durood instead of Durood-e-Ibrahim?
Q: Will my Salaah be valid if I omit the dua and end with durood-e-ebrahim?
Q: I would like to know the correct procedure of salaam at the end of Salaah. Is it Assalamualaikum warahmatullah or Assalamualaikum only?