Mistakes in Qiraat

Reciting the “daal” in “wa lad-daaalleen” for less than 6 seconds

Q: I heard that when reading Surah Fatihah, you need to make the sound of the “dal” in “wa lad-daaalleen” longer, till 6 seconds. However, it is difficult for me to count how many seconds and often I finish it in 3 second or so. Is my prayer valid even if I do it deliberately because I can’t count seconds when reciting?

Repeating a verse of Surah Faatihah while performing salaah

Q: I heard in salah, errors to do with waqf dont matter. Does this apply to stopping in the middle of a word and then resuming?

I attempted reciting waladhaleen twice and every time between the ‘leen’ part, my voice stopped because of an obstruction in my throat. However, the third time I tried again and the same thing happened, after the pause, my voice came back a second later and finished reciting the remaining letters. Because I paused abruptly, is my salah fine?

Pronouncing few words incorrectly in salaah


1. I recited ‘saliheen’ with a bottom throat ‘ha’ and noticed during the middle of reciting it during the enlongation of the last syllable. During the elongation of ‘heen’, even after I realised, I still pronounced it with my lower throat. Is this considered intentionally reciting something wrong and did it invalidate my prayer?

2. During the du’a portion of Witr, I usually recite Rabbana Atina Fidunya 3 times. The second time I recited it, it felt like I had recited ‘Rabbana atina fidunya hasanatan wa qina adhabanar’ as opposed to the correct full invocation. Because of my uncertainty, can I assume my prayer is sound?