Dua to read on Shab-e-baraat
Q: Shab e Baraat is soon and I’d like to know how can a woman in haidh spend it? I am aware we can do dhikr but could you please assist with any specific zikr that holds a lot of weight that can be done on this night?
Q: Shab e Baraat is soon and I’d like to know how can a woman in haidh spend it? I am aware we can do dhikr but could you please assist with any specific zikr that holds a lot of weight that can be done on this night?
Q: Is it halaaal to exchange gifts with the immediate family on Aashura?
Q: Will applying mehndi designs to the hands and eating mithai on the day of eid be considered as following the Hindus since they do the above on their celebration days? If yes, then should it be avoided?
Q: An uncle told me that “… if you fast in rajab Allah Ta'ala on the day of judgment will give you a drink from His own hands from the river of Rajab which is whiter than milk sweeter than honey…”
I did some research and didn’t find any Hadith claiming this and I found out that there isn’t any evidence to back there being a specific reward for fasting during Rajab. I didn’t respond to his text to avoid trouble. My family is South Asian and bidah/cultural practices are rife.
Q: Will a person be sinful if they cut their hair or nails during the first 10 days of Zul Hijjah if they are making qurbaani?
Q: Is it true that praying four rakat of nafil on the first of Zil Hijjah give the reward of 25 years praying?
Q: Is there anything special regarding the night of 25th of Zul Qa'dah. Someone was saying it a special night of mercy.
Q: What is the significance of Lailatul Raghaaib which is celebrated on the first Thursday of Rajab?
Q: Some people walk on fire on Aashuraa. Is it permissible?
Q: I recently received the following message: Ihyaaud-Deen WhatsApp Broadcasts *Wearing black clothing in the month of Muharram*
Q: In South Africa, should one avoid wearing black clothing during Muharram as the Shias wear black clothing?
A: Yes, if wearing black clothing has some resemblance with the Shias then this should be avoided.
My question is, I wear niqaab, majority of my clothing is black, because I simply love wearing black. Whenever I go out of my house, I have gloves that are black, a jilbaab that is black as well as a niqaab that is black. Even in my house I wear black most of the time. Can I wear black clothing without the intention of following the shi'ahs?