
Settling debts and funeral expenses before winding up the estate


1. If a person passes away and he has a debt of R1000 and his total savings are R1500, should the debt be paid off first eventhough it's more than 1/3 of his wealth and then R500 that remains be divided into 3 portions and fulfill the will from the 1/3 of R500? 

2. And when paying for the funeral expenses, if it totals R100 for instance, will the R100 be deducted from 1/3 of his wealth or will it be paid first and then his savings be divided?.

Running away without settling one's debts

Q: I am living in a GCC country for the past 20 years. I didnt have enough understanding with ribaa and was having bank loans and credit cards. In early 2008 I performed hajj and made alot of tobah with ribaa and after that I had chances but didnt take it anymore. Later my business got collapsed I got bankrupt and I couldnt repay bank loans. Since that time i owe banks money And my full intention was to repay the money somehow but I got total loss and now I am just jobless for around 2 years now in dire constraints completely. I want to ask you that if I leave the country without paying back the loans what I have trying hardest for the last 7/8 years...and there is no way to return and I am getting worse situation. Will I be held responsible or is it gonna be sin if I leave without paying as per my financial situation.

Creditors forfeiting their right

Q: I have taken a loan from some people. I have also done coaching under some teachers without paying them. It has been quite some years (i.e. almost 4) and now I have the capability to pay them back. But unfortunately, as I am seeing, some of them whom I have met to return their deserved money, they do not want to take it back! I had to beg them to accept the money. They just would not take it! They say, "Never mind, you don't have to give it back. Oh come on! Leave it. I have a lot of money, I do not need to money," and so forth. I feel that if they do not take it back that means I have not paid them the money back! So, after a long request they do. Please help me! I am about to meet my teachers and they are probably going to win! What will I do afterwards! What can they do instead of taking the lent money? Please help me Shaikh. Jazak Allah khair in advance. Please help me out!

Which type of debts will be deducted when calculating zakaat?

Q: I was informed by certain Ulama that when calculating my Zakaat, I should only exclude my yearly liabilities and debts. Apart from that, I should pay Zakaat on my entire wealth. These Ulama explain that the reason for excluding the yearly instalments and liabilities is that it is treated as a debt that is payable immediately. The liabilities and debts over and above the yearly instalments will not be taken into account since it is Mu’ajjal (deferred). Is this view correct?

Zakaat aur qarz


1. Jis par zakat wajib ho or us pa qarz bhi ho to kia us par zakat wajib nahi? Kia wo pahlay qarz ada karay ga or phir pasay ho to zakat ada karay ga?

2. Jis ka pas raqam ho or wo qarz k tor pa di ho kisi ko to kia wo raqam bhi nisab ma sahmil hogi us ki bhi zakat deni ho gi?

Settling one's debts

Q: I thought that if you commit shirk, you will not enter Jannah but I also read a hadith that if you have a debt then you will not enter jannah, what happens on day of judgement to someone who never paid his debt?

Wazifa for financial problems

Q: Me and an my husband live separately in our respective parents home as we don't have our own home. He is under debt so can't afford to keep me and my son and separate home. So I go to my in laws in weekend if my mother in law allows me there as my husband shares his parents room. I want to stay with my husband so please give some wazifa so that me my husband and son stay together. Any wazifa for home please?