
Imaam forgetting to make sajdah tilaawat in salaah


1. The imaam of my masjid recited Surah Al Alaq in Fajr salaah, but forgot to do sajdah tilaawat in the salaah. Will I have to repeat the salaah or should I only do the sajdah tilaawah by myself?

2. What should be done if the imaam forgets to do sajdah tilaawah?

3. Is it important to mention the name of the surah in the niyyah for sajdah tilaawah? Is just mentioning that 'I intend to do sajdah tilaawah of the ayat I heard this morning' enough?

Aayat of sajdah in Surah Naml

Q: The Sajdah in Surah Naml is normally made on completion of ayah 26 "Arsh il azeem" (as indicated in the Quraan shareef). According to fatwa hindiyya quoting Allamah Aini it says the sajdah must be made on completing ayah 25:9

وَالنَّمْلِ عِنْدَ قَوْلِهِ: {وَيَعْلَمُ مَا تُخْفُونَ وَمَا تُعْلِنُونَ} [النمل: 25]  

My question based on the above is if a person made the sajdah e tilawat in salaah after ayah 25 instead of ayah 26 will this be regarded as an extra added to the salaah thus requiring the imaam to make a sajdah e sahw or will it be counted as the sajdah e tilawat.

Delaying sajdah tilwaat in Salaah


1. Zaid recited a sajdah verse in salah, he didn't do sajdah tilaawat straight away but did sajdah tilaawat after reciting a few verses. Is the sajda tilaawat valid?

2. Zaid recited a sajdah verse in salah, he didn't do sajdah tilaawat straight away but did sajdah tilaawat in the second rakaat, is the sajda tilaawat valid?