Estimating the amount of qadhaa salaahs

Q: I have many qadhaas over the past 3 or 4 years. I've tried guessing but I have absolutely no idea, records, nothing. I usually pray all 5 prayers on time now, so would it be okay for me to start praying my qadhaas without making an estimate?

As I've mentioned, I don't have the slightest clue with which to make an educated guess. The longer I keep trying to estimate, the longer it gets put off. It's been two years already.

Gifting one's property to one's wife and daughters in one's lifetime

Q: I want to ask regarding inheritance. I have 3 daughters, so at present when I pass away, after my wife and daughters receive their share, the majority will go to my brothers or if they are no longer living then to my nephews by my understanding.

If I was to put the majority of my property into my wife and daughters names and leave for example 10% in my name, when I die I assume the share of that 10% will go to my my wife and daughters, and the remaining will go to other male inheritors.

So you see my intention is that my wife and daughters get the majority share by me transferring most of my property into their names.

My question is whether that is permissible by Islamic law.

Selling chickens by weight

Q: My question is regarding weighing. I work in a shop where halaal meat is sold. They sometimes put offers on. For example, 3lb weight chicken breast boneless. The actual weight is maybe 50g for example less because the meat is cleaned from excess fat for the benefit of the customer.

My question is the butchers clean the chicken from excess fat beforehand and put on display. They then give them that chicken less the 50g or so from the 3lb weight. My heart tells me this is not right but maybe it is. Could you please let me know?

Are three talaaqs considered as one?

Q: I gave my wife 3 talaaq in 1 sitting. I heard it is counted as 3. Is it true? What is the real fatwa on this?

I also heard from an organisation that 3 talaaq nowadays, due to some reason, is counted as 1. It is said also due to this time and age it is counted as 1.

So please reply and give me the fatwa and explaining from Qur'aan and hadith. I need to know what Qur'aan and hadith has to say about this and at this time and age what's the rules. 

Girls Madrasah Reunions

Q: I wanted to ask Mufti Sahib regarding Girls Madrasah Reunions.

It doesn't happen very often but when it does women who are old students of the Madrasahs are invited. Some have to come from far and wide.

I wanted to ask ruling regarding these reunions and what will be the correct way to view such gatherings in the light of Shariah?

Hajj Queries

Q: These are few things that I noticed during my hajj journey this year, which I would like clarity on and insha-Allah, it will help future hujjaaj.

Apparently, this occurs every year and is NOT brought up NOR is it taught during the hajj classes prior to hajj. There was alot of confusion amongst hujjaaj (male & female), with aalims on board not knowing answers to certain questions.

1. Musaafir or Muqeem

I entered Makkah Mukarramah on 24th June (24th Zul Qa’dah) 2022 at 11 pm at night. On the 27th of June, I went to Masjid Aaishah to read Sunnatul Ihraam for nafl umrah. I left for Aziziah on 30th June (1st Zul Hijjah), for 1 night, then returned to Makkah on 1st July. On the 1st of July, I went to Masjid Aaishah to read Sunnatul Ihraam for nafl umrah. I stayed in Makkah Mukarramah till the 3rd of July. On the 3rd of July, I left for Aziziah after Zuhr. On the 7th of July (8th Zul Hijjah), I left for Mina. On the 8th of July (9th Zul Hijjah), I left for Arafaat, and in the evening, I went to Muzdalifah.

1.1 Therefore, since I entered Makkah Mukarramah on 24th June and left for Mina on 7th July, I was told that I should count the nights, I spent in Makkah Mukarramah and Aziziah, which was 13. Mina, etc is separate, thus, it was less than 15 nights and I should be regarded as a musaafir. Was this correct?

1.2 Other hujjaaj had same dates as me, however they regarded themselves as Muqeems. Some, after consulting with ulama and others never thought about their stay (number of days) but just read salaah as muqeems. Please clarify.

1.3 Some hujjaaj went for ziyaarat, which included Mina, Muzdalifah and Arafaat during their stay in Makkah Mukarramah. Please clarify.

1.4 In Some packages, there were hujjaaj that were in Makkah Mukarramah from 19th June (19th Zul Qa’dah). So, most of them would be Muqeems? Some, would have went for ziyaarats in between as well. Please clarify.

2. Muzdalifah

2.1 In Muzdalifah, is there 1 azaan and 1 iqaamah, or 1 azaan and 2 iqaamahs or is there a difference of opinion amongst ulama? One Aalim said, 1 azaan and 1 iqaamah, while others said, 1 azaan with 2 iqaamahs.

2.2 In Muzalifah, if I was a muqeem, should I read 4 or 2 rakaats for Esha? And If I was a musaafir, should I read 4 or 2 rakaats for Esha?

NB: Some (ulama) who were musaafirs said that we should read 4 rakaats, while others who were also musaafirs, followed those who were muqeem and read full 4 rakaats.

3. Takbeer-e-Tashreeq

Should the normal Takbeer-e-Tashreeq be recited after every fardh salaah which we recite in South Africa (and other parts of the world) during the days of hajj? Some aalims said that it shouldn’t be recited as we on hajj and the Labbaik replaces the Takbeer-e-Tashreeq. Others said that the Takbeer-e-Tashreeq should be recited.

4. Arafah

4.1 What should a Muqeem and Musaafir do, if, arafah is on a Friday (this year)? Should a musaafir perform 2 rakaats for zuhr? And should a muqeem perform 4 rakaats for zuhr?

4.2 Some hujjaj were in the capetonian tent – the capetonians join the zuhr and asr salaahs. Some hanafi hujjaaj also joined the capetonians in the zuhr and asr salaahs. Is it okay for hanafis to jointhem in the zuhr and asr salaahs? What should they have done, if this was incorrect? Also, the capetonians were regarded as muqeems in Makkah Mukarramah and Aziziah due to their laws. However, in Arafaat they were musaafirs. Therefore, those hanafis who were musaafirs or muqeems, that joined the capetonians, will their zuhr salaah be okay?

4.3 Is it okay to join them for the zuhr salaah only?

5. Shaving

Is Shaving of the hair is waajib? I heard from one mufti that if you doing a 2nd or 3rd umrah not long after your 1st umrah, then it will be waajib to merely pass a blade over your head for the 2nd and 3rd umrah as your hair won’t be longer than a grain of rice.

5.1 Is this correct?

5.2 If it is correct, please can you explain to me the meaning of passing a blade, i.e. does the blade have to touch your head? Does any hair, if any, have to come out? Or is it the action of passing the blade above your head without touching the skin suffice?

6. Waajib ut tawaaf

e.g. Asr in haram was 15:45 (shafi time), Asr for hanafi sets in at 17:20 If Asr was not performed in the haram, My Asr was delayed. I went to the haram at 16:40 At 16:45 I started my tawaaf, completed at 17:10

6.1 Can I read waajibut tawaaf salaah before asr hanafi sets in? Therafter read ASR? At 16:45, I started my tawaaf, completed at 17:45 (20 min after asr hanafi sets in).

6.2 Can I read waajibut tawaaf salaah before reading my asr? Therafter read ASR? If Asr WAS PERFORMED in the haram with Jamaat at 15:45. If I started Tawaaf at 16:30 and completed tawaaf at 17:10

6.3 Can I read Waajib ut tawaaf before OR after hanafi time sets in at 17:20 (asr was read with jamaat in the shafi'ee time)?

7. Makrooh times for salaah

Please explain which salaahs can be performed: Between subah sadiq and fajr jamaat, between fajr jamaat and sunrise and between asr azaan upto sunset.

8. Performing Salaah

Is it permissible for a person (hafiz or non hafiz) to perform Salaah if:

8.1 He, doesn’t wear a Topi whilst performing salaah (during hajj journey or at other times)

8.2 He, doesn’t have a full length sunnah beard (during hajj journey or at other times)

8.3 He (the hafiz), wears formal clothes during normal days for salaah (jeans and short sleeve t shirt) and sometimes doesn’t wear topi, but on certain occasions, he wants to perform salaah in the musjid (whilst wearing topi and kurta). Sometimes beard is trimmed.

Attending a function wherein sin takes place

Q: Is this ruling correct:

Question: We have a small community in the country I live in, and weddings are an excellent opportunity to come together and meet (new) people, as everyone lives far away from each other, especially regarding marriage purposes (the potential of finding a suitable partner amongst the crowd).

Recently, two people from our community got married after someone had contacted them at a wedding they had both attended (they didn’t know about each other’s existence beforehand).

Weddings with no music rarely ever take place, sadly enough. I’d have to miss out on all of them otherwise. Thus, from this perspective (marriage purposes), would it be permissible to attend a wedding with music playing in the background?


In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate

Yes. It is permissible to attend a wedding even though they play music in the background.

Background Versus Primary Activity

The ruling here revolves around the central issue, the wedding ceremony. Wedding ceremonies are permissible. The presence of music in the ceremony is a secondary characteristic. This secondary characteristic does not affect the fundamental permissibility of the wedding, according to the following axiom:

“Subsidiaries are subsidiary and are not given their own rulings.” [Ibn Nujaym, al-Ashbah wa al-Nazair]

If any impermissible actions become the focal point of the event, such as mixed-gender dancing or the like-continued involvement in the wedding at this point is impermissible. [Ibn ‘Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar]

Commanding the Good

If the music’s content is impermissible, then it is obligatory to advise those in charge of the ceremony to offer an acceptable alternative if there is a hope that your advice will result in change.

This is especially true and important for anyone who is an example or role model. [Nahlawi, Durar al-Mubaha]

The Permissible is Plenty

As Muslims, is it of central importance to know what Allah Most High permits and prohibits before taking on any endeavor, such as holding a wedding ceremony? Our plans for the ceremony must be through the lens of that knowledge.

There are many permissible avenues of entertainment that one can use for the wedding. This allows people to enjoy their time, and no one is turning away from the obedience of Allah in the meantime.

Earning via boosting game accounts

Q: I have been earning via boosting game accounts which is basically leveling them up to a certain level and then selling it to customers. However, the game seems to ban some of my accounts because of the violation of terms of sales whenever it detects me boosting them. Furthermore, I'll have to make sure I create as much randomness as possible in the process of making the account so that I cannot be detected boosting them. I would like to know if this is a haraam or a halaal way of earning as I put a lot of time and effort in boosting these accounts and I make sure they are sold to the customers with complete honesty and warranty of the account.