Mazoor woman changing her liner for every salaah

Q: I consider myself a mazoor (excused person) due to chronic vaginal discharge. Nothing excessive but I have leaks especially during prayer. I wear panty liners to absorb the discharge. Sometimes theres a lot or just a few drops or even none (between prayer times). Example due to work I pray Zuhr at the end about 10 minutes before Asr. I still do a new wudu for Asr even though the time is very close. I do a new ablution for each prayer.

My question is, do I have to change the panty liner for each prayer? Or can I keep wearing the same one for 2 or 3 prayers?

Making taubah for making nasheed CD's with music

Q: If many years ago (sometimes before bulugh and sometime after) if one used to make a CD for family members so they could use the CDs in their cars and the CDs would have nasheeds on them (mostly with music but not all), and if at least with one relative he used to try to get something out doing so i.e. being taken to a store to buy a magazine.

The way he made these CDs were by downloading a YouTube video to mp3 file (which YouTube would have been against) and then putting the mp3 file on a CD.

Now, would he have to find those naat and nasheed artists and owe/pay them any money, especially those artists who didn’t use music?