Burying relatives in the same grave and desiring to be buried near the pious


1. What is the status of burying relatives together in the same grave? For example, husband and wife, or grandmother and grandson, or even cousins etc. Is it a matter of ease and identification or is there benefit for the mayyit and the like?

2. Also, will it be right to delay the burial so that an existing grave could be dug up in order to bury relatives together? If so, how long of a delay will be tolerable? In other words, the qabrastaan has a grave open already but a relative grave is wanted instead, so that has to be dug out and prepared and that constitutes some delay.

3. Is it wrong to have a desire of being buried with a certain person, because it means one does not desire burial near Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) in Madina Shareef? For example, a person desires that he is buried near his mother. Or a person desires that he is buried near his pious Shaykh or pious Ustaad. So does this desire constitute disrespect to Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) because nobody is greater than Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and/or burial in Medina Shareef?

Like someone says, "I want to be buried near my Shaykh" - so is that constituted disrespect to Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and Madina Shareef?" I am asking based on arguments someone gave to me.

A woman's fear of getting married

Q: I have a question about marriage, because currently from what I read, it seems that whenever I hear of the word marriage I also think of the word terror and fear. This is because generally fatwas mention so many hadiths about the serve punishments of the wife for every mistake or shortcoming she does. But they never mention any hadiths like the ones mentioned in the case of the wife of being punished, cursed or anything like that regardless of what he does to her.

I even once saw a fatwa about a woman who's husband broke her arm, and the only thing they said is regarding the permissibility of hitting the wife and then they were telling the wife to be obedient and not ask for a divorce. This made me so sad, because if it was the wife doing something much smaller they would have said so much about the punishments and would have told the husband to divorce her and find someone else.

Also, on the same website they always mention that unlike the wife who must sleep in the same ooom as the husband if he wants, the husband does not have to sleep in the same room and bed as the wife, even if she tells him she wnats them to be in the same room, unless he wants to and there is no seen for his refusal even if it is for no reason. Is this true?

Also, I always see things like the husband has the right to prevent the wife from studying, working, visiting her parents and friends even if he has no reason, just because he wants to. Does he actually have the right to not let her do these things for no reason and just because he wants her to be at home the whole time? Wouldn't this harm her emotionally because she is never allowed to go out? Is there a sin on him? Is he allowed to do whatever he wants with her?

Married woman talking to the man she was in love with before she got married

Q: Can a woman, who loved someone, but they separated and she married a person who is a good person and she has no issues with him religiously and he treats her well. She was ok with the person but once she started talking to the person she loved, she wanted to take khula and marry him. Is it permissible in islam?