Meaning of the Hadith “The poor Muslims will enter Paradise before the rich...”

Q: I have a question regarding the following Hadith narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira (radhiallahu anhu):

“The poor Muslims will enter Paradise before the rich by half of a day, the length of which is five hundred years.”

Generally, women don’t possess much wealth but enjoy the luxuries by their family’s wealth. Would these women be regarded as poor, since the wealth is not theirs? The women passed away before they could inherit (passing away before family), due to which their family’s wealth did not fall in their hands. What if, despite her family being wealthy, she does not own much and refuses to enjoy the luxuries of this world by her family’s wealth?

Kaffarah for breaking an oath

Q: If a person makes a promise to himself that In Sha Allah I will not do that particular sin (masturbation) and if I do this sin again, I will perform 13 fasts + 60 nafal salaah and 20000 sadaqa in a month.

Now, if that person committed the sin (masturbation) again and again and he also broke the promise or wants to break the promise since looks impossible to fulfill, what is the way forward.

Husband not fulfilling conjugal rights of the wife

Q: My husband is an amazing provider financially but he has had sexual intercourse only a handful of times with me since we have been married. Most of the time after I begged him. He has cheated on me with sex workers many times. We would often have gaps of 2-3 months but this time we have not even touched one another in 5 months. Then i found out about “ila” divorce. He says he loves me but does not feel sexually attracted to me. Am I divorced? Is this marriage over? He says he has not been with any woman in these past 5 months too but who can believe a liar? We have no children and have been married for 2 years.

Selling an item online without seeing it

Q: In a business dealing, person A purchases a product online from person B and sells it to Person C without seeing the item. Is it permissible?

So instead of person B sending the item to person A, he will send it straight to Person C. It is 2 different transactions as person A will pay person B for the item and will sell it for a different price to person C.

So is it allowed for person A to get the item sent straight to person C or should he receive it himself then send it.

Women going to parks and gyms

Q: Allah Ta'ala mentions in the Quraan:

وَقَرْنَ فِي بُيُوتِكُنَّ وَلَا تَبَرَّجْنَ تَبَرُّجَ الْجَاهِلِيَّةِ الْأُولَىٰ ﴿الأحزاب: ٣٣ ﴾

Translation: “Remain in your homes and do not exit from your homes displaying your beauty as would be displayed (by the women) in the former times of ignorance.” (Al-Ahzaab:33)

1. Many women say that they have to only live in their homes and cannot go out. They say that they also have hearts and they also want to see all other things outside like, the greenery, the parks and other things. Why do they have to only sit in the house?

Sometimes I also get disturbed. Please tell me so that my imaan gets strong.

2. Is it permissible for a woman to go to a nearby park or gym that is only for women for jogging and exercises with full pardah daily?

Controlling one's anger

Q: My 18 year old son at times drives me crazy. He always argues and debates. I would like to do my islaah as far as anger is concerned. I have listened and read all the advises and bayaans of the Ulama as far as anger is concerned. But when I am in the situation I forget everything because I am too busy fighting and arguing with him to remember anything. After I have said alot of bad things to him, I regret and feel bad as to how badly I have behaved towards him. How can I reform myself. 

Women working

Q: A hadeeth of Saheeh Al Bukhaari mentions that Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said "A community cannot succeed whose main decisions are taken by women".

As we see around us, we find that women are making better decisions than men. In the business field and in education, girls are performing better than men. If you see in the business field, women are making more profit than men can. Thailand has 30% CEO AS WOMEN.

Is this hadeeth authentic?