Distributing properties of an estate according to share of inheritance

Q: Our father passed away recently leaving behind one house, 3 plots, 2 shops and 2 flats. We, the 6 baligh heirs (one widow, one brother and 4 sisters) want to distribute the wirasat in such a way that the worth of each property will be calculated and each heir will keep the property that falls within his/her share. E.g brother has a share of 50 lakh, and sister has a share of 25 lakh. So each one will keep the shop/flat or plot that is of the same worth. Is it permissible?

Imaan of a person who passed away while supporting the LGBTQ+ movement publicly

Q: If someone asks me regarding Jesse Duarte...and I say she passed away a murtaddah in terms of shariah and if the claim that she read kalimah is true then it is Allah's perogative to forgive or punish her. Did I say the correct thing?

When I tell people she passed away a murtaddah, people tell me that I should not judge...but theres clear cut evidence she supported the LGBTQ+ movement publically in which she stated that we must change our thought process.

My father tells me that if anyone asks, I should say Allah knows best. According to senior Aalims they say that she passed away a murtaddah and if she repented, that is between Allah and her. Please advise respected mufti saheb.

Participating in khatams and salaami


1. I have advised my family that on my passing they should not hold any gathering of 3, 10 or 40 days but instead make dua for me to get the sawaab. Please advise if this was right or wrong.

2. I also do not attend any zikr or khatam programmes organised by my family and gave them the reason that I have noticed that during these events, the programme continues into salaah times thus many miss their salaah. Please commment.

3. I am asked again and again as to why I do not stand for salami and why I do not read salami. Can Mufti give me an answer that will satisfy them. I advised them that as far as I know the Angels deliver the salaam and durood to Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and also that I do not believe that my Nabi is present in these gatherings.