
Q: Is it permissible to have an abortion? My wife needs to go for surgery and if she doesn’t have the surgery done she will die.

Sunnah method of teaching the Quraan

Q: Is it a sunnah method of teaching the Quraan to hit the student when they do not know their work? I know Islam advocates hitting the child for missing salaah after 10 years and to spare the rod is to spoil the child, but is it the way of the sunnah and the Sahaabah to hit the student for making mistakes while learning the Quraan?

Celebrating thanksgiving

Q: My family plans on celebrating thanksgiving. I heard that it’s forbidden for a Muslim to prepare a turkey dinner on thanksgiving because this is an imitation of non-Muslims. It is confirmed in an authentic narration that whoever imitates a people is one of them.

If my family still plans on celebrating thanksgiving, should I avoid sitting with them? What must I do to not participate with them during this day?

Who is responsible to pay for general maintenance in a rented property?

Q: A person rents out a flat and signs a lease agreement wherein it is stated that the tenant will be liable for maintenance costs. However, in light of the shari ruling, who will be responsible to pay for general maintenance of the following; changing the bulbs, repairing a clogged pipe, repairing the aircon, replacing the geyser, replacing damaged washers, etc.?

Angels assigned to bring wahi to the Ambiyaa (alaihimus salaam)

Q: Was Angel Jibril the only Angel that came down with revelation to The Prophets (Peace Be Upon Them)?

I read an answer:

“A Nabi is one who is not given a new book, but rather establishes the book which was revealed to the Rasool before him. He does not abrogate the book and the code of law which was in vogue before him. He sees the angel in a dream or the Rasool of the time informs him that he has been chosen as a Nabi. (Tafseer Raazi V1 p3212, Mafaateehul Ghayb V23 p43)”

As for The Prophets who were not Messengers (Peace Be Upon Them), what do we believe about them in regards to Revelation coming by way of Angel Jibreel?