Taking pictures of one's child for memories of precious moments

Q: I’m a first time mother. Together with my husband, we have decided not to take pictures of our baby or let anyone else as well. We ourselves don’t take pictures/videos of each other.

I love how my infant looks now and how she looked as a baby MashaAllah TabarkAllah , but as she’s growing, I’m forgetting all of that and it makes me sad. I haven’t felt very tempted to take a picture but sometimes I look down and feel bittersweet; feeling grateful and happy and also feeling like one day I’ll forget a precious moment.

I was wondering, would it be ok if I took pictures but kept them just for myself, never printing them? 

Ordering a Quraan online

Q: Recently I ordered a Quraan Sharif with English translation from Amazon. They delivered my order to my door.

My question is that now I'm feeling very conscious of how and who might have handled the Quraan and if it's ok that they put the package in front of the door on the ground? I feel very upset and regret ordering it online but I had no other option at the moment. Would I get sin for it?

Following one's Shaikh or a Mufti

Q: There was an argument at our home regarding the duties of a Mufti opposed to that of a Shaykh.

A person asks a reliable Mufti a mas'alah. The Mufti gives an answer.

1. Now, should this answer be presented to one's Shaykh (a non-'aalim) and ask the Shaykh whether 'amal should be made on the answer or not?

2. Assuming that a Shaykh says to make 'amal on something contrary to what the Mufti says, what should one do? Follow the Shaykh or the Mufti?