أشد الناس عذابا يوم القيامة عالم لم ينفعه علمه

س: وقد جاء عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم (أنه قال " من أشد الناس عذاباً يوم القيامة عالم لم ينفعه الله بعلمه " هذا ا حديث ورد في كتاب السيوطي "أمر بالاتباع و نهي عن الابتداع"، و لم يذكر مصدره و در ة صحته. هل تدرون هذا الحديث و درجة صحته و مصدره؟ و ما شرح هذا الحديث؟

Dua after Salaah

Q: If we perform a fardh salaah which have sunnah muakkadah after it (zuhr, magrib, isha), when should we read dua after salaah? After the fardh salaah or after the sunnah muakkadah salaah, or after both?

It is my greatest desire to follow the Shariah

Q: Nowadays I am worried due to several reasons. Among others, one reason is that it is my greatest desire to follow the Shariah, including keeping a fist length beard and attending congregational prayers.However, as you know that especially in regards to the beard, most people are mocked and opposed by family, friends etc. Also I want that my family members follow Shariah more completely, though Alhamdulillah they are quite practicing Muslims already but dont have enough knowledge of fiqh. Mufti sahib, I want you to advise me some zikr, wazeefa etc, but which is not very lengthy  so Allah relieves me of worries and tension and gives me tawfiq in adhering to Shariah and acheiving my wordly goals also.