Deducting long terms debts in one's zakaat calculation

Q: A person took a loan of R5 million from the bank which is payable over 10 years. R500 000 is payable every year of the principle debt as well as R50 000 interest.

1) When calculating zakaat, will one deduct the entire amount of R5 million as his debt or only the amount payable for the current year of R550 000 (R500 000 principle and the R50 000 interest)?

2) Does one include the interest owing as part of his debts for the zakaat calculation?

Definition of an animate object and using pictures with Quraanic aayat for one's status

Q: How does one classify an object as animate or inanimate? Is photography of animals permissible?

Secondly, is it permissible for me to use pictures of flowers/scenery, etc. as a background to create pictures with Quraanic Ayats/Islamic poetry to post on my status (with the intention of it being a means of guidance for myself as well as for whoever sees the status)?

Attributing an adopted child to the adopted father

Q: My uncle in law adopted my brother at the time of my brother's birth, and my uncle's wife breastfed him. Can my uncle be my brother's real father?

In my brother's nikah, if my uncle in law does not declare that he is the father, but the girl knows who the real father of the boy is, is the nikah correct?

Can my uncle in law write his name as the father of my brother?