Performing tawaaf with long intervals in between the rounds

Q: Is it permissible to separate tawaf rounds due to pain? 

Example, I did a few rounds of tawaf one day and a few another day until the seven rounds of tawaf have been completed? 

In the above mentioned situation, if a person is unable to do complete seven rounds of tawaf walking in one go due to pain but can do it separately like the above mentioned situation, will it be permissible for him to do complete seven rounds of tawaf in a wheelchair?

Paying interest fees with interest money

Q: Is it permissible to pay interest fees with the interest received, from and to the same party. 

E.g. A bank rewards its client with an interest % for utilising a savings account. On the other hand, the same bank charges the client an interest fee for using its credit card facility. Can the client pay the latter with the interest received? As it will be returning the same interest to the bank.

Yellow discharge

Q: I recently went to a Muslim doctor and I mentioned to her regarding me getting yellow discharge now and then. So I asked does she consider it haiz and she told me no, maybe it's like an illness or something else but from what she knows brown is like dried blood but not yellow discharge. Can I take this advice from her?

Discharging fidyah


1. With regards to paying fidyah for the deceased person's missed salaahs, what is the minimum amount in the form of wheat? 

2. An alternative to discharging the fidyah in the form of wheat or money is to feed one poor person 2 meals to their full for each salaah. Does it have to be the same poor person that is given two meals or can it be 2 poor persons given one meal each? Also, can one person be fed multiple times or given more than the stipulated amount of wheat? (E.g. Giving him 6 meals or a 10kg bag of wheat)? 

3. How would fidyah be calculated if given in the form of rice or maize? 

4. Are their any criteria for the recipients of the fidyah? Do they have to be Muslim and can children be fed as well or do they have to be adults? 

5. As these calculations come to quite exhorbitant amounts, is it permissible to discharge the fidya in a country where the price of food is cheaper such as India, and does mufti know of anyone in India who can assist us in having this done?

Charging handling fees on items returned

Q: Is it Islamically permissible to:

1. To charge a general 15% handling fee for all returns for admin & transportation costs. Example, the seller is in Durban and the buyer is in Johannesburg or Cape Town. The seller incurred admin & transport costs to get the goods delivered & will incur costs to get the goods returned. There could be various reasons for the returns - incorrect goods supplied, excess stock bought, damaged goods received, buyer cannot sell the goods etc. 

2. If there is a price dispute between the seller & the buyer for goods supplied, can the seller write off the disputed amount as a donation? 

Note: The sales rep quoted the buyer a price and the admin office charged a higher price. When the buyer received the invoice, he queried the price & refused to make payment until he is charged the quoted price.