Fasting one day less due to going for umrah in Ramadhaan

Q: We went for umrah in Ramadhaan. We left a few days after Ramadhaan started.

South Africa fasted 30 days. Saudi also fasted 30 days. But they started Ramadhaan and finished one day earlier.

Because we were in Saudi for Eid, we only fasted 29 days in total actually.

So, do we need to keep qaza of one fast, because both countries had full 30 days but due to spending Eid in Saudi we only fasted 29?

Including the wealth one acquired on one's zakaat day in one's zakaat calculation

Q: My zakaat date is on the first of Ramadhaan. At which time will I have to take an account to work out my zakaat, as during the day, I will also be doing trade. Hence, if I buy and sell during the day, will I include the wealth I acquire on that day in my zakaat calculation? Similarly, if I incur debts during the day, will I deduct the debts from my zakaat calculation?

Fasting qadha fasts in Shawwaal

Q: I missed two days of fasting in Ramadhaan due to menstruation and I have missed 15 days of fasting from the previous Ramadhaans. In order to obtain the reward of fasting six days in Shawwal, must I make up all 17 fasts first or only two?

In addition to this I forgot to keep the intention for some of the fasts of Ramadhaan, must I make an estimate and make up these fasts? If yes then should I do this also before fasting the six days of Shawwal?

Woman in haidh becoming clean on a plane

Q: I will be travelling from Jhb to Dubai and from Dubai to Madinah. When I depart I will be in the state of haidh but it will stop over the course of the journey.

1. If I realise that I am no longer in the state of haidh whilst on the plane and ghusl is not possible and salaah time will set in and pass while on the plane, what are my options?

2. If haidh ends and I cannot make ghusl, would I be considered to have been paak and if 78km away from Madina will qasr then apply to me? Or will I only be considered paak once ghusl is made upon landing and so full salaah applies?

Making wrestling into a sport

Q: What is the ruling regarding wrestling? Some argue that it is a sport which Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) wrestled but did Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) make wrestling a sport which is recommended or well permitted? What are the rules for wrestling? Did the Sahaabah (radiyallahu ‘anhum) practice wrestling? Did wrestling become the reference sport of Islam? What is the field of application of wrestler?