Husband forcing wife to break Ramadhaan fast to engage in sexual relations

Q: What do the scholars say regarding A woman who fasts during Ramadhaan. Her husband is not normally home and comes home for a week during Ramadhaan and forces her to break her fast for sexual relations and he himself doesn't fast. What should this woman do for her fast? Ss she committing sin by this act? Please give guidance.

Reciting aloud in nafl salaah


1. Regarding any nafl salaah, I would like to know if it is permissible to read the qiraat aloud, for purposes of dhor?

2. If it is, should one perform the salaah as though leading a jamaat, i.e. say takbeer for postures aloud, etc.

3. Do the same rules above apply for qadha salaah as well?

4. What are the rules for performing nafl salaah in jamaat, e.g. with one's spouse or household?