Hosting people at the time of janaazah, birth of a baby and Eid

Q: Pertaining to occasions of janazah:

1. Is it necessary for the house to feed visitors everyday?

2. Is it necessary for close family members to eat together for these days?

3. Has this become a bidah as I notice this is usually done for three days exactly and if people excuse themselves others wonder why. This becomes difficult on the house people who are already coping with a loss.

4. Is it better for another house to offer to host visitors from far away to make things easier for the bereaved? Which way would be the most advisable in this regard?

With regards to new babies:

1. Is it against shariah to invite others to come and see the baby?

2. If they have already expressed their desire to visit, would it be appropriate to suggest a certain date and time?

3. Is it against the spirit of entertaining visitors that one declines visitors for a certain number of days?

With regards to Eids:

What advice can Mufti Saheb give to the ladies - our eids have become very busy and strenuous between looking after the in-laws and trying to visit their own parents.

Are we making things difficult on ourselves by trying to please everyone?

Often Eid, instead of being an occasion of happiness is only about cleaning up and seeing to everyone else. Alot of women have no time to sit and eat a meal the whole day. Is it perhaps that we are complaining for nothing as many generations before us did much more, albeit with alot of dependence on maids and also grannies and sisters in-laws all chipping in to help with children, cooking etc.

How do we inculcate the spirit of hosting in us without neglecting our compulsory duties?

Meaning of the Hadith in praising Shaam

Q: The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) praised the people of Shaam and I have come across people from that region especially Syria who had dealings with the company I work for and they refused to pay money for the goods they were supplied with five years ago and come up with excuse after excuse. They have the ability to pay but they don't. Does the praise for people of Shaam apply to all times because clearly they contradict Islamic character. Kindly clarify.

Learning and understanding the Quraan

Q: I know that being a Hafiz-e-Quran has virtues, and there is a sahih hadith that says their parents will be crowned on the day of judgement. There is also a weak hadith that mentions they will intercede for ten relatives on the Day of Qiyamah. Despite this hadith being weak, Ulama have said that a Hafiz-e-Quran still has virtues and might intercede and they will go to Jannatul Firdaus.

I want to do hifz because I want Jannatul Firdaus, but I am 26 and struggle to memorize things. It is also very challenging to do hifz in today's busy schedule, where we work 9 to 5 or run businesses, and also have to pray five times a day and give time to family. In this case, what if we don't do hifz but instead learn essential Quranic Arabic words and grammar to understand the Qur'an in Arabic, and study reliable tafsir under a scholar like Tafsir Ibn Kathir or Bayan ul Quran?

Who has more virtues: a Hafiz-e-Quran or a person who is a non aalim but understands the Qur'an, knows what is written in it, is familiar with the seerah of Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), and the stories of all the Prophets (qasas ul ambiyaa), and many other things? Can such a person who is not aalim and Hafiz but has the above mentioned knowledge go to Jannatul Firdaus and have virtues equal to a Hafiz-e-Quran or less or more? 

Disposing of hair, nails, placenta, etc. after childbirth

Q: I have been blessed with a bay boy in January 2024, Alhumdulillah! I have with me the belly button which fell from the baby's umbilical cord after a few days when the baby was born. I also have with me his hair which I had got shaved on the 7th day. So my question is:

1. I would like to bury this belly button so called (umbilical cord) and the hair of the baby in the graveyard as I think it would remain safe in the corner of the graveyard in the mud or can I bury it in the grave of my late father? Is is permissible to do this or not? As nowadays there are flats systems so one finds it difficult to get mud everywhere.

2. My family members are saying to drown it in the river as it will be safer there and not in the graveyard. They are saying that if there is a masjid and it has a ground or yard one can get it buried there.

What is the proper way to dispose these body parts like hair, nails, placenta etc. in your opinion?

Marrying a girl after committing zina with her mother

Q: I have committed zina with my fiancé's mother mistakenly. She is my mother’s sister and I repent to Allah and ask forgiveness for my mistake. Nobody knows about this except ﷲ and us . I’m very nervous that if I do nikah with her daughter then the nikah will be valid or not and if I have children with her daughter.

I don’t understand what to do and currently it’s highly impossible to step back for marrying her daughter because if I try to step back there will be a big problem. Please bring out a solution for me. I love my fiancé very much and I can’t leave her. 

Are the splashes of water over non-flowing blood impure?

Q: If you pour water (flowing water) over a wound that is still bleeding a little when checked with tissue but the water falling off is clear (no detectable traces of blood) even though logically there would technically be blood in it, is that water and its splashes impure? Are the areas on your hand that are now wet around the wound considered impure?