Listening to the lectures of Sheikh Imran Hosein

Q: I have recently seen some of the YouTube videos of Sheikh Imran Hosein from Trinidad. However, I have some doubts and reservations regarding some of the things which he has mentioned in his lectures on YouTube. 

I have also read some of his Islamic books and articles, and find that he is promoting certain beliefs which are in contrast to the beliefs that we have learnt in madrasah. Among the beliefs which he subscribes to and promotes are the following two beliefs: 

1. He claims that Nabi Isa (‘alaihis salaam) had been crucified, and thereafter, Allah Ta’ala gave him life. 

2. He claims that the manner in which a certain verse is recited today is incorrect and is not part of the actual Qur’aan that was revealed by Allah Ta’ala upon Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). Rather, the people who came after Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) and the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) made a change to that word of the Qur’aan Majeed. He says that the verse “وَاِنّه لَعِلْمٌ لِّلسَّاعة” can only be read as وَاِنّه لَعَلَمٌ لِّلسَّاعة and it is incorrect to read it as وَاِنّه لَعِلْمٌ لِّلسَّاعة

Can Mufti Saheb please explain whether this person’s beliefs are acceptable or whether they go against the correct beliefs of Islam and will render one out of the fold of Islam for subscribing to them? 

I have also heard that Sheikh Imran Hosein is coming to South Africa soon. Will it be permissible for people to attend his lectures? 

Delaying if a girl receives a good proposal

Q: I have questions for marriage of a girl 

1. If she does not like one proposal, does she have the right to say no to it? Or is it only the boys' family and her parents' decision? Likewise if she likes a proposal and after istikharaah her heart says yes but her parents say no, what's the ruling here? 

2. Let's say there is a good match. However, the girl's parents think that she is too young at the time, and also not mature enough. The boy is studying and it will take 2-3 years for him to complete studies for him and get a job. In this case if the two families think they're a good fit for each other what do the girl's side say? Yes, but not right now? Is that allowed? 

3. I heard (but I'm not sure about it) that there is a Hadeeth saying it is better when the proposal has been accepted that the boy should have one look at the girl. Two questions arise. One, is this hadeeth true (and can I please have the full hadeeth by word)? And two, is that what is only allowed? That the boy can take one look at the girl? Or (as I've also heard) the girl is also allowed to ask the boy to read one quranic verse? Does this have any relation to the mahr? 

Please explain to me in detail so I can understand. 

Three talaaqs

Q: I am married to my husband on 15 July 2009. After four years he say divorce to me twice in one setting then my family said we make this home again and you will ruju with him. 

I am OK and and we start life again. Last year he again divorce me three times in one setting. My family contacted mufti and told him the whole situation. He say there is a gap in wordings and this is the last chance to continue with him and ruju. 

Now this year on 5 Jan, he again say divorce three time in one setting. Now my heart say something is against the laws of Allah. Please give me your option not live with him. He again say I am not mean it.

Husband not taking care of the needs and expenses of his wife and children

Q: I am a working woman and married. Both me and my husband are working in respectable jobs. I handle my own personal expenses from day one of marriage and have never asked for pocket money from my husband. 

I have two children aged 1 year and 1 month. My husband refuses to help in the my children's financial needs. Both of them are on formula milk and their combined expenditure is around 80000 which I am solely bearing along with my own expenses. 

My husband's income is more than me. He refuses to contribute even half. Alhamdulillah, I am managing but my question is what are the rights of such a husband/father over his wife and children if he refuses to contribute even 50 percent financially if he has more than enough money. What are the faraiz and instructions for the mother/wife in such a case who despite being married is living like a single mother?

Explaining the serious consequences of uttering the words of divorce to one's wife

Q: When I get angry I used to say divorce me to my husband. Then to explain he said "I divorce, I divorce, I divorce. If I say these 3 words it would dissolve our marriage so don't say that again and again especially over the phone when you can't predict the other person's mental state and this can destroy our marriage, so don't ask for it again'. 

So my question is, does divorce take place by saying this because he was just explaining, without any pause, that I shouldn't ask for it again and again.