Blood coming out of the nose

Q: I stuck a tissue in my nose and found a small amount of blood on it. Is my wudhu broken? Also, If my finger is impure and I put it in my nose whilst the inside of my nose was wet or moist does the inside of my nose become impure? How do I purify the inside of my nose if it does become impure? Also, what is the difference between dry blood coming out of the nose and wet blood? What if there is blood inside the nose, is wudhu broken only when it comes out of the nose or is it broken even if it is still inside the nose? Because usually if you have a cut or wound, wudhu is broken when blood flows out of the wound but it's hard to tell in the nose. Is blood coming out of the nose the same as blood coming out of the wound?

Domestic worker stealing

Q: My maid is working since 1 year at my place. After she joined, some months later I caught her stealing. Once I caught her removing a wallet from a jeans then after 2 or 3 days she was stealing onions. When I caught her, I said to her in a nice way that you should not do this. Before this, she stole 20 rs from my sons pocket and then she apologised. The next time I will not do it and thereafter many vessels disappeared from the house. My mother in law used to tell me everyday to ask her whether she took it or not. Our neighbour used to always say that she used to steal needles. She even asked why did you keep her to work. You should remove her I told her that now she is not stealing. She apologised but i still doubted her and yesterday I was searching for my earing and I didn't find it. Today in anger I scolded her directly that you had taken that earing, bring it back. She was saying that I had not taken it. She told me to check her house and suitcase. I told her not to talk rubbish to me, I know you had taken it. Bring it back. I also called my neighbour and her maids for proof that she is stealing everyday from their house but at that time my neighbour refused and my maid was crying like mad. She was saying I had not done it and I said to her in anger, because of this habit of yours, no one is keeping you for a longer. She went crying like mad from here and then after I called my mom, my earings were at my moms place. I called her and apologised 3-4 times but she was crying and saying that I will not come. I was feeling it is like my home when I started working. I got fever now and I will not come to your place. She said that her heart is badly hurt (dil pe lagi hai mere). Now if she will curse me and my family, then I am feeling scared from inside. I was also very strict with her. Without thinking, I scolded her loudly because of her previous deeds. I felt she is steal stealing. Now I told her to come here one more time, I want to apologise before all to her, but she is refusing to come. What should I do?

Depriving heirs of their share of the inheritance

Q: Parents have two sons and two daughters. After their marriage they distribute their property and asked them to invest. After some time one daughter died and after her death, her father also died. Now the brother and mother are telling the children of the dead daughter that we will not give you the share of the property in which they invested and is registered in the court of law. Please guide us.

Marital problems

Q: I was engaged to a boy for 4 months and then in order to avoid any sin we decided to do nikaah without telling our parents as they decided to wait for both of us to complete our education before getting us married. However, both families had pure and hearty intentions to get us married without any objection. Now it has been a year since we have done our nikaah in presence of two witnesses who were his friends. The disputes between us have been increased to unbearable limits now. My family has also found some unignorable facts about his family due to which they are having second thoughts. This guy who is my husband has abused me mentally so much that I have completely lost my self respect, my personality, my life goals and now he has also started to disrespect my family. I changed my complete self to keep him happy and yet he is still not satisfied at all with me. He fights with me and goes away for months, doesn't talk to me for months and I never know where he is and what he is doing. At this point my family has seen me depressed all the time and they, including myself has decided to get separated from him and his family. Now when I decided to get khula from him I started studying how it is done. It looks simple but we didn't register our nikaah nor we did any paper work. How should I proceed? Please guide me. And also I've been reading contradicting articles, some says nikaah is not valid without the girl's parents presence and some say in Hanafi mazhab it is valid if the girl is sane and adult. Please guide me through this issue as soon as possible.