Drawing pictures without facial features
Q: Is it permissible to draw pictures of humans if you leave out drawing any facial features (i.e. no mouth, nose, eyes)?
Q: Is it permissible to draw pictures of humans if you leave out drawing any facial features (i.e. no mouth, nose, eyes)?
Q: Is there a hadith linked to reciting zikr by using the fingers to count so that it will be the noor on the day of judgement and/or inside the darkness of the grave?
Q: I've just gotten back from umrah on the 26th Feb. Subhanallah, I have never felt so much at peace when I was there, especially being in Musjid-e-Nabawi. Being there I did not feel any pain in my body (cancer), not a single worry was on my mind. My problem is that since coming back home, I have become sad and crying most of the day. I crave and miss to be there. I do not want to be here in my own country. I feel that when I was there, I did not do much ibadah, time was wasted as I was just learning ways over there. Is there any dua that I can make to increase the chances of Allah inviting me back there? I promise myself that if I get to go there again Insha Allah, I will not leave any time wasted like I did before. Is there any way for Allah to grant me death in Madina or Makkah? Or is it wrong for me to make dua like that?
Q: Is it established anywhere that when a baby is born that the fathers sister needs to give out something? Many times you find people give out sweet platters to family members when a child is born. Is this practiced in Islam or is it just customary?
Q: Whenever I have a shower and after I wash my feet and step out to dry myself and dress myself then when I go back to wipe the base of the shower cubicle where you stand, I find there are small hairs and little fluff. Does this mean I have to wash my feet again and the areas I've stepped on? Or are these hairs pure and I can just ignore it?
Q: I'm curious to know what does the Qur'an say about life on other planets (it can be water, plants, anything, etc.). In the news we heard about people exploring other planets and claim they found life there, or there was life there before.
Q: I read "The Sunni Path", "Endless Bliss", etc. published by Hakikat Kitabevi Publication, Istanbul, Turkey up load by website hakikatkitabevi.com
All information so far in my knowledge are within the Sunni creed & strongly emphasized to the Tasawwuf. But I am astonished that the "TABLIGH-I-Jamaat" of India is termed as heretic instituition & MAWLANA ASRAF ALI THANAWI, the writer of the "Heavanly Ornament" is also noted as Bedd`ti (heresy) while most of the Indian sub-continent Sunni accept the "Jamaat" and considered it Mujaddid wa munawwir alf-i-thani as the true Islamic reformer respectively.
What is your opinion in the light of "The Holy Qur`an & Hadith" ? Should we, religiously ignorant, not read the books published by its producer "HUSEYN HILMI ISIK"?
Q: I was married before and have a son who was born within my marriage and now I am divorced and would like to remarry. However I have no relationship at all with my eldest brother who supposed to be my wakeel, as he does not acknowledge me and he even calls me a Kaafir infront of people. He always insults me infront of others. He does not greet me back when I greet him and he is also someone that had been for hajj and prays 5 times a day. He is my fathers eldest son from his first wife and I am the youngest daughter of the 2nd wife. Both my mother and our father passed on. My question is if I would like to get married, do I need his permission since I have already been married, as I am trying to be the better person but he does not allow me to as I have now decided to keep my distance from him.
Q: There are different concepts regarding taking out zakat on your gold. Some people say that you have to take it out on the price you will purchase that amount of gold (new gold price), some say that you need to deduct 12 mashaay, some say that on the amount you will sell your gold you have to take zakat on that amount of money. I cannot take my gold every year to the goldsmith to measure and then to take out the zakat due to the reasons of security. Can you please guide me the correct method in the light of Quran and Sunnah. For example if I have 12.947 tola of gold, and the rate of gold is as follows:
24K 10 Grams = Rs 42128
24K Per Tola = Rs 49150
22K 10 Grams = Rs 38617
What would be the amount to be taken out as zakat on the above mentioned gold rates?
Q: I have waswasa problem. Recently I gots doubts when watching an animation movie. I felt like I wish I could have life like this in the movie and friends like this. Is thinking like this shirk?