Treatment for black magic
Q: My family is affectedby black magic. Please let me know how can we get rid of it.
Q: My family is affectedby black magic. Please let me know how can we get rid of it.
Q: I am a young Muslim male who is suffering from stress and hopelessness. I am a student of civil engineering and I live currently in the Netherlands since 2011. I find it difficult to live my life here. The language is difficult and I have no interest to go to school. Every morning I am depressed. Everyday I am in worry and depression. I am planning to stop my study and go to a country in Africa to do business inshallah. But there is a thing in my mind that tells me what if I go there and loose my business? What if I am going to regret about my study? etc... I am hopeless now I don't know what to do? Please, what should I do? Please give me some advice.
Q: I'm proposed and the date that has been set for the nikah has a high possibility of coinciding with my menses. What should I do? I'm so confused. Please advise me.
Q: Is it OK to have a bell around your cattle's neck?
1. My husband and I were in an argument over phone that lasted two hours. He was angry and wasn't listening but he claims now that he was angry but not insane. He said "you are divorced" knowing I was in early pregnancy.
2. I replied immediately in shock by stating "did you just divorce me? Husband said yes, I said "are you divorcing me!" Husband said yes.
3. My husband gave me a first divorce in 2015 but took me back.
4. My husband informed me the words "yes, yes" do count as further divorces & he thinks our marriage is over. My view is that they are simply confirmation of him saying "your divorced" and is considered one talaq and so there is a chance for us to reconcile.
Question - Please can you confirm whether the word "yes" "yes" are additional pronouncements of divorce or just confirmation of his first statement of divorce. Please can you give the answer in accordance with hanafi fiqh only with references and evidences of rulings as my husband will only accept this.
Q: I wanted to know that after you remove your unwanted hair must you make ghusl?
Q: If a man gets slight discharge during foreplay but does not perform intercourse, just slight discharg, is he napaak and does he have to perform ghusal or can he stay without gusal?
Q: Duaa e Jameela. There are various significance of the above duaa one being to be read on the 15th of Ramadaan. Please confirm the significance of above duaa. Can one read as a daily duaa as it has Allah's names.
1. Does any portion of the hand need to be covered at the time of reading Quraan?
2. Will it be sinful for any part of the hand to be exposed?
Q: Is Zul Qarnain a male or female?