Doing charitable work in the name of any person besides Allah Ta'ala

Q: Some members in our relatives give food in the name of others (instead of Allah). They tell that the reward of this charity goes to a particular person soul, also some say that we can give food, clothes etc... in the name of prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Is it really true? Some give food after a death of a man (within 3 days and 40 days), some read Quran for their souls to be rewarded, is all of these are permissible? Could you please explain me.

Men wearing rings

Q: Recently, I heard in a sermon that it is not permissible for us, Muslims to wear rings made of stone or some other material or taweez with the belief that it will avoid harm and it will give us the blessings and barakah. In my locality most of the imams follow the trend of wearing such rings or taweez. Is it permissible for me to do namaz behind them?

Qadha of Esha Salaah if a woman's period ends before fajr


1. A woman is on her period. She goes to sleep at night but when she wakes up at fajr time, she realises that she must have become taahir during the night since there is no trace of blood. Does she have to make qadaa of the isha prayers? 

2. Would it have been necessary for her to set her alarm clock to wake her up before the end of isha time/start of fajr time, to check whether the period had finished at night, in which case she would avoid it becoming qada?

Silhouettes and emoticons


1. Are silhouettes of people (pictures of peopled in black, without the face having nose, eyes, etc.) considered tasaweer and haraam?

2. Similarly, are emoticons that are made up of symbols like =, (), :, etc. as compared to emoticons that are obviously tasaweer also considered haraam?

Waswasa about talaaq

Q: I am suffering waswas and doubt problem since last 7 to 8 years 24/7. I think too much might I have suffer from OCD.

Firstly if someone just uttered merely talaq word due to waswasa or record talaq word on mobile than such talaq count? However there is no intention for talaq.

Secondly if someone has merely doubt about talaq then what can he do? I had lots of waswas regarding this waswasa because shaytan always puts doubts in my mind that you have uttered talaq words in past or recent times however I do not remember what exact words or sentence I had uttered. To be honest I really deepress with such a thoughts I had repeat my wudhu, Ghusl and Salah many times because I had always feel I had missed something. How can I overcome from this sitautions? What is the rulling about talaq for such a person my nikah will be intact? I had a doubt on my nikah due to talaq doubt. I have two doubt:

1. Whether I had utter the word or not.

2. If I had utter then which word. Due to waswasa problem might I have utterd something like this or not I am not sure.