Q: I am suffering waswas and doubt problem since last 7 to 8 years 24/7. I think too much might I have suffer from OCD.
Firstly if someone just uttered merely talaq word due to waswasa or record talaq word on mobile than such talaq count? However there is no intention for talaq.
Secondly if someone has merely doubt about talaq then what can he do? I had lots of waswas regarding this waswasa because shaytan always puts doubts in my mind that you have uttered talaq words in past or recent times however I do not remember what exact words or sentence I had uttered. To be honest I really deepress with such a thoughts I had repeat my wudhu, Ghusl and Salah many times because I had always feel I had missed something. How can I overcome from this sitautions? What is the rulling about talaq for such a person my nikah will be intact? I had a doubt on my nikah due to talaq doubt. I have two doubt:
1. Whether I had utter the word or not.
2. If I had utter then which word. Due to waswasa problem might I have utterd something like this or not I am not sure.