Question regarding ejaculation
Q: I am 20 and my ejaculation has been stopped and can't be done with out my own will. So what order of bathing is upon me and what stage am passing through.
Q: I am 20 and my ejaculation has been stopped and can't be done with out my own will. So what order of bathing is upon me and what stage am passing through.
Q: A Moulana was doing a bayan on the internet and the Moulana said how much of you miss salaat some times, so I raised my hand. He was on the internet talking and I was listening on my phone. Then he said how much of you will make sure you will not miss namaz again so I put up my hands and then the Moulana said that we need to put in our minds that when we put up our hands, the angels were witness that we put up our hands. From today, now insha Allah I try to read my 5 times namaz. If I miss a salah, not on purpose but some times for fajr if the time is near to end and I put my alarm and I miss it or I said that I'll wake up and when I wake up time was up. Do I have to give kaffarah because I raised my hands when the Moulana said who will not miss salah from today? Is that a promise?
Q: I want to know if I make an intention in my mind to do something and I didn't do it, is it wrong? If I make an intention that I will give this dress in sadaqa to someone and I changed my mind, is it wrong? If I want to give a person a gift and I made an intention then I didn't give it, is it wrong?
Q: Is observing purda necessary between a man and his adopted daughter or a woman and her adopted son when they reach the age of puberty?
Q: There is a proposal for my sister. The guy works for State Farm Insurance. He is senior claims advisor in the total loss department. He works in the auto property damage department. Is his income halal? Should we say no. My sister doesn't like that his income is from insurance.
1. If the hunting dog catches and kills the prey, is it halaal to consume? Will zabah have to be made if so?
2. In hunting if the animal is killed with just the force of the arrow, is that animal halaal? If so, will zabah have to be made?
3. Is the use of shot guns/ hunting rifles permissible?
Q: Is it allowed for women to wear gold jewellery on the feet (toe ring and anklets)?
Q: Will signing to follow the rules of a an institute be regarded as an oath? If one does not follow out of negligence will they be sinful?
Q: What is the difference in the words janaza and mayyit?
Q: When performing wudu, I use miswaak. Sometimes after miswaak, the gums bleed so when I rinse my mouth, reddish color can be seen. Should I continue with wudu? Or am I supposed to re-start?