Giving zakaat to a needy person

Q: We know one Muslim family originally from Jordan but living in USA who is going through tough financial situation because father of three small kids had a brain surgery last year due to which he almost lost his memory and lost his job. Doctor has advised him not to go back to his native country (Jordan) for another year due to post brain surgery. It's been almost one year since he is jobless and having such a hard time to pay monthly rent and bear living expanses. The father of three small kids had told us that he own a property (house) in his native country but he has no means of income in USA now a days to bear his expenses. Can we help him with Zakat money as its really hard for him to pay monthly rent and bear living expanses in USA?

Wife claiming 50% of husband's wealth after divorce

Q: My wife and I are experiencing marital problems. She is demanding a divorce from me. According to the legal system of the country where I reside, in the case of divorce, she has the right to claim 50% of my assets. I have not yet paid her mahr to her. She is now demanding 50% of my wealth as well as her unpaid mahr.

If she takes advantage of the legal system and takes me to court claiming 50% of my wealth, will this wealth be halaal for her according to Shariah and will I still have to give her the outstanding mahr?

Putting a password on one's phone

Q: In the event a man has two wives and not wanting them to have jealousy and fights, he puts a code on his phone not allowing his wives to access his cell phone to see his calls, messages or photos. Would this be acceptable Islamicly even though the wife insists on looking into the phone and becoming angry for days on end?

Marrying a woman who was intimate with one's son

Q: I have contracted a second marriage secretly. When my first wife found out some months later I confessed and openly went to live with her. The family being very upset did not accept this, the reason being

1. She worked in our store.

2. My son claims to have been intimate with her. He took her out for coffee and kissed her and also wanted to marry her.

3. She had some bad reputation /drugs /drinking /men.

4. She has an illegitimate son.

She became Muslim without being forced. I divorced her to keep every one happy she went into a depression and left town tried committing suicide. I felt I should help her. Her mother and father asked me to assist. Taking me as her husband, I took her back in nikkah again secretly. I brought her back home but could not live with her because of my family. I promised to take care of her. Is my intention and feeling to keep her due to the fact that I've seen her become a good woman? She now feels Islam is not just due to my actions. I've explained to her that due to the fact that she became Muslim all her passes sins would be forgiven, including my sons allegation that he slept with her which she deny's.

The question here is, is her slate cleaned as of her taking shahaadat or does her passed actions carry forward? In the event she slept with my son, she becomes haraam for me even though she slept with him prior to taking the shahaaada?

Husband suffering from schizophrenia

Q: I am married for 18 years and have two children aged 16 and 14. My husband was a wonderful jolly loving person. He faced many business stresses and traumas like robbery and assault. The last 5 years has been a roller coaster living with him. The psychiatrist said he has bipolar schizophrenia with lots of paranoia and hallucinations. He refuses to take the antipsychotic meds ability and is making our home environment hell. If you look at him he looks like a good moulana. White kurta and mashaallah beard. He is always moody sulky and paranoid. He only makes salaam to me and thats it. Please advise how do I live with this silent treatment for years and the pain of emotional abuse. I am sad heartbroken and emotionally drained. I am staying for the sake of my children.. is there any support in Pretoria for women who are being tortured by selfish husbands like mine. His illness has robbed my of my happiness. Please help me understand why he does not want to take meds to get better.