Doubting the existence of a creator

Q: I recently decided to start praying again and become more religious, but I've been getting tons of doubts (astagfirullah) about the existence of Allah. Whenever I try pondering about the signs of Allah, more questions come up, and more doubts arise. I just cannot fathom how Allah exists without nobody to create him (which makes no sense). I also do not feel connection with Allah in my salah as I God forbid am losing believe in the existence of a creator. I'm trying my best to look up facts and signs and read the Quran and so far it's been to no avail. But I'm not quitting praying and reading Quran no matter what as I hope this is a phase that will go away. But it's been troubling me a lot and I just wish it would go away. And whenever I am in salah my brain is telling me to pretend there is a God even though there isn't...blah blah and I keep fighting myself to convince myself there is a God in my salah rather than to believe in God and just enjoy my salah with my creator. I think I'm losing my mind but I just want to focus on believing again. Also, I'm confused as to how all other planets exist and what is their purpose if Allah created us to worship him? Why are they there? Is there no alternate explanation? I really want to believe in Allah and the messenger and not doubt at all. I have a hard time typing this question as I do not want to gain sin by typing out my doubts. God forgive me. If nothing else works, please make dua for me and other's like me who are trying to find their faith through conviction again. Salam.

Permissible and impermissible tenants on one's property

Q: Is it permissible to leases one's premises to the following entities:

(1) A Muslim that sells electronics, including DVD movies and music CDs.

(2) A Muslim, male insurance broker.

(3) A Muslim, female accountant.

(4) A Muslim, female attorney.

(5) A non-Muslim, female General Practitioner (that will attend to both males and females.)

(6) A non-Muslim, female gynecologist.

(7) The offices of a non-Muslim government (including places like the Department of Home Affairs, Department of Labour, etc.)

(8) A Christian funeral parlor that, in addition to coffins, sells funeral plans.

(9) Two gays.

Irregular bleeding after undergoing an operation

Q: I m 39 years old. 16 years back I had an ectopic operation due to which one of my ovaries was removed which is responsible for producing estrogen hormones. Since that day my menstrual cycle has become irregular. My past normal days were 7. Now bleeding is for 2 days in the start then completely stops. No stains til; 8 days, then on 9, 10 and 11th day I again get some brownish discharge. Should I consider this as haidh or istihaaza?

Breaking one's fast due to being intimate with one's wife

Q: During ramadhaan, whilst fasting I got intimate with my wife. We did not have actual relations at first but satisfied one another using our hands. i.e: I made inzaal. And satisfied her using my hands. However after that before iftaar, thinking that our fasts are already broken, we ate food and we had actual relations. Will kaffaarah become binding or only qadha? I am studying aalim course and I know what I did requires a lot of reformation and taubah but from what I understand, there will only be qadha in this case and no kaffaarah. Please advise.

Mother in-law attracted to the son in-law

Q: I have a very weird question and you may think I am being irrational but please hear me out. I am married to my husband of 4 years and we have a young infant. I have been noticing for the past year or so that my Mother has taken a liking to my husband. And it is not in a civil Mother in law way, she likes him romantically. I have thought I could be misled and confused but this is why its taken me a year to be fully convinced. I will explain some of the things she does to clarify my assumptions. Firstly i do not live with my parents I stay there every school holiday. My Mum has become very nosy if i am on my phone she comes to look at it. If i am alone in my room with my daughter and my husband video calls she would barge in and interfere (take note she pulls my daughter and gets on the video to him). She always takes my phone. When my husband comes she tries to get his attention she walks by him from the next room in a way where she cant see me but she looks at him. Another thing is she is absolutely furious when i tell her that my husband is loyal. Take note she is always trying to cause problems e.g. his family are bad to you. She wants me to tell him and it always causes us to fight and its silly things. She does this when nobody is around. She also tries to get him closer to my sisters. For example my husband eight now is on holiday so my mum asked me if hes enjoying it and i had told her that he is actually bored. The next thing i see is she rings my sister and tells her that my husband is bored he needs someone to talk to. Basically indirectly telling her to call him. She tries to make me jealous with my own husband. Bare in mind i think my husband knows this i am sure she told him things in my absence. He has told me that my mum is bad so i'm sure he knows. There are so many examples but those are basic things i have noticed. She acts like she is his 'thauba' wife because when my brothers want to eat she acts like it is not her job. She takes my daughter and acts as if shes here to visit. She doesnt like me bonding with my child. Please help me is there a dua or something i can read on her? I trust my husband but i feel like what if he listens one day. I hate to say this but she is acting like a shaythan always trying to come in between our marriage.