Bikini waxing
Q: Is bikini waxing permissible?
Q: Is bikini waxing permissible?
Q: Is my Salaah valid if I read some other Durood instead of Durood-e-Ibrahim?
Q: I received a message in which Qasam is given to me to send this kalma (Awal Kalma which was written in Roman English) to 20 persons
1. I read the message considering that the sender has described me about his Qasam and after reading I understood that this Qasam was given to me.Then answer me that it will be Qasam by me and or not because I have understand it later.
2. If after understanding message I read message three times then it will be three Qasams and I have to send message to 60 persons or to only 20 persons?
3. Is it compulsory to forward that message or I can send Awal Kalma in Arabic text to fulfill my Qasam?
Q: A senior South African Tablighi worker made a joke about the laws of inheritance being in Surah Lahab. He said the verse says "Ma ka sab," meaning everything goes to the mother. Would this joke of his amount to kufr and invalidate his nikah? What about the people who laughed at the joke? Is this not a mockery of the Kalaam of Allah?
Q: My husband has issued his first wife with three talaaqs years ago but still continued living with her as a married couple. When we got married last year she requested him to give her talaaq again which he gave her three talaaqs again. After three months, he issued her again with six talaaqs which she refused to accept. Husband ask me not to tell anyone that he has irrevocably divorced her and claims he only wants to care for her. Husband then left me in august while I was pregnant had me thrown out of rental home. Didn't bother finding out where I'm staying nothing. Accuse me of having affair, but was living with his ex-wife and even paying the bond of her house. He took back the car he bought me and allowed her to drive it. Took her on holidays etc. but refuses to set me free. I have consulted with three muftis and was told he doing a injustice upon me and my child who was born two months ago. Currently all his assets his house policies business she will inherited because he hasn't change his will. Islamically he knows what he is doing is against Allah Ta'ala's law but he doesn't seem to care. A mufti has spoken to him. He said he will rectify his wrongs but he hasn't. Will it be a sin upon me if I apply for a faskh because I cannot be involved in him committing zinah and pretending its okay. Also his ex is very abusive towards me and has always been and he allows it. She has even stated that he says my son is not his. Please advise.
Q: In Islam during a divorce does the wife have to move out after three months of iddat are over or does the country law also apply? In America the husband cannot legally kick the wife out of the house until the judge decides in the court the terms of settlement.
Q: My husband drinks and gambles and has extra marital affairs with women, comes late at night three, four o'clock, does not give me and my daughters time, not even talk to me, always in anger, does not give me money, but he never beats me up or abuses, does not allow me to do job, but i'm totally fed up of his behaviour. Even I am in depression sometimes thinking of suicide. Can I seek divorce from him? How? What about sponsorship of daughters? Please guide me. Although I know Allah Ta'ala does not like divorce.
Q: If the father has not given the property to his children and his daughter said that she will give her share to her brothers, then before getting the property she changed that she will not give her share to her brothers. Then, she further changed that she will decide to give or not the property according to the situation when she will get her share. When she will get her share what should she do? Is it compulsory for her to give her share to her brothers or not? She changed her decision before becoming the owner of property. Guide me according to fiqh-e-Hanafi.
Q: I have a fourteen year old daughter. Does Mufti saheb advise me to send her for Aalima classes (day classes) or should I teach her at home. If so, what kitaabs can I teach her? I feel the aalima classes have become such that if one's daughter is not going to school, she still has to be 'studying' something. If you tell people your daughter is at home, it's like a disgrace. Please advise.
Q: I didn't know that I was eligible to pay zakaat. I was just informed recently thanks to your answer to a previous question. Now I have had money above nisaab for two years. Should I pay zakat immediately or can I wait till ramadhan and pay for the two years together?