Passing away at sea

Q: If a person passes away at sea, what should be done? What is the ruling regarding Ghusal, Janaazah Salaah and burial? Can the deceased be placed in cold storage (e.g. cold room) so that on reaching the coast, after one or two months, they can bury him on land?

Temporary ligation

Q: In my first pregnancy I had a complication which put the baby life at risk and so the baby was born early. Doctors are saying that I am at very high risk of this happening again. The first time the condition that was life threatening to us both was picked up in time so shukr we both are fine. With this warning should I have more children or rather not? If it is life threatening to the mother is it allowed to sterilize?


Q: There is a person who is unfortunately involved in adultery for quite some time as due to lack of proper knowledge of Islam and its rulings on it, but now since that person has become aware of Islam and its punishment for adultery wants to sincerely repent to Allah. There are two questions:

1. How to get rid of the other person with whom adultery has been done since the other person does not want to stop doing it.

2. Powerful dua to ask Allah for forgiveness.

The obligation of zakaat

Q: I am a student dependant to my parents. According to the nisab of silver ($400) I am supposed to pay zakaat. And I didn't know this as I was told that nisab is $3000 (as per gold nisab). So should I pay zakaat? I had $500 saved up for about 2 years. Also I was also told that since I am not earning money and I am dependant and my parents do pay zakat, that I am not supposed to. Could you please elaborate?


Q: Are oysters haraam? What about oyster sauce and Chinese and Thai dishes using oyster sauce? What exactly is oyster?