

1. A person feels lust for his wife. He has an erection thinking about her and he accidentally touches his mature daughter's bare hand. Since the lust was for his wife, is his nikaah broken?

2. A person touched his mother with lust. He hasn't confessed and fears that if he does, it will destroy his relationship with his parents. What should he do? He sincerely cries and regrets and repents to Allaah.

3. If after a man touches his daughter with lust and his wife becomes haraam for him and they separate from each other but they still want each other, can they be reunited again in Jannah?

4. Is a man still mahram for his mother whom he had touched with lust where hurmat musaharah has occured? Can he accompany her on a long journey? He regrets sincerely and there is absolutely no temptation and fear of it happening again.

Joining Qur'an khatam groups

Q: Recently few messages have been going around regarding Quran Khatam groups and its authentication, I would like to know if:

1. Is it permissible to join a quran khatam group?

2. Is it permissible to have time limits to complete the khatam?

3. Can you join the group with the intention of making sure that you are completing at least 1 para a week even if the group was created with the intention of esaale sawaab of marhoomeen?

Witr Salaah

Q: My question is regarding witr Salaah. In one Hadith the prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) forbade praying witr like maghrib but in the hanafi fiqh it is prayed like maghrib and I am a bit confused. Please clarify.

Nikaah without witnesses

Q: My question is about Nikaah. One person did nikaah to woman like this. They both wrote on a paper that in the name of Allah I accept you as wife and husband. Then they speak verbally three times to each other kabool he kabool he. Then boy gives her haq mahar. Then the boy told many people he has did nikaah for gawaah or witness after some time. Is that nikaah valid?

Husband refusing to perform Salaah

Q: I have been married for a year and a half now. The problem is my husband refuses to pray. He used to pray all his five prayers at the beginning, but I don't know what happened. I have tried everything to convince him to pray, but he just wouldn't. I make dua for him everyday, and I don't want to lose hope. We have a son now, and I want him to be a good example for my son. Please advise.

Husband telling the wife after she performs Salaah "stop wasting time"

Q: Myself and my husband were leaving to go on a trip. I told my husband I'm going to perform salaah before we leave and went. He after about 10 minutes I'm not sure could be less or more started calling me. I did not reply as I was praying salaah, and he knows I don't reply when I'm making salaah. When I was done I went to him and he said to me "stop wasting time" and I should pack away what was laying in the kitchen. The thing is he knew I was praying salaah and he said stop wasting time. What is the ruling on such a situation?

Nouman Ali Khan

Q: I have a question regarding a speaker Nouman Ali Khan.

(Link removed)

This a link to his video. I know videos are Haram. If you type ss before where it says YouTube, then you can download the link as an audio file and listen to it. My question is about the 3 Ahadeeth he mentions. What is their Shaan e Wurood. Second question is about what he is saying. Is he right and how is able to use such words against a Sahabhi رضي الله عنه , like jealousy.