Reprimanding an employee for passing on wrong information

Q: We have a company and an employee went on vacation. Upon his Return, before coming back to the office, he met another employee who told Him that he has been fired. This was incorrect information and hence the Employee (who returned from vacation) didn't show up to the office yet. We are investigating this further to validate if the second employee did or did not pass on the false message of being fired. If this turns out to be true, what should be our action on it?

Correcting one's father

Q: My father is doing milk business. He does adulteration in milk by adding water. I tried to stop him in a calm manner but he kept on doing adulteration and now I fought with him and started yelling to him regarding this wrong act. Am I doing wrong because I tried the other way but he doesn't listen. What should I do? Islam says don't raise voice against your parents but what if they are doing wrong?

Making the niyyat of ihraam before passing the miqaat

Q: My wife made 2 mistakes in umrah. We are worried that we have to give sadaqa, damm or any other fine for that mistake or it can be ignored.

1. Although we left our home with the niyyat of umra, but when the meekat came she didn't make proper niyat by words. She make proper niyat by words when we reached Makkah.

2. During tawaf she covered her face with full burka as she was worried about her hair becoming exposed.

Ignorant person saying that istikhaara can mislead one

Q: What if a person says these kind of words "istakhara is for world and we should follow our brain. We should not do istakhara, we do not need istakhara. People do it to cheat others." Actually I did istakhara and a man said these words to change my decision. My mom and I got the same answer, but I said to him that it is Sunah to do istakhara. He still did not believe it to be right, although he said I am making decisions using istakhara. And istakhara misleads you. Can that person be called a munaafiq? He was told that it is Sunnah.

Giving zakaat to one's driver

Q: My driver in Karachi is a healthy strong man, I pay him salary (about the same as other drivers of similar job get). However he has children and his salary is not enough. He needs money to maintain his motor cycle, to pay children fees. One thing that bothers me is that he is sending his children to a school which is cheapest in the area where he works but is expensive considering his class of people where he lives. Is it jaíz for me to help him with zekat after making sure his total assess are less than the "nisab"? The question arose because in a "waaz"of Helkiymul-ummet reHimehullah, he quotes mewlana Gangohi reHimehullah as saying it is Heram for healthy strong person to beg and it is not jaíz to give Sedeqeh to such persons.