Men wearing silver rings
Q: Is it permissible for a male to wear a silver ring that weighs more than one mithqaal?
Q: Is it permissible for a male to wear a silver ring that weighs more than one mithqaal?
Q: Mufti saheb, will Nabi Muhammad ﷺ parents be in Jannah?
Q: Is making birthdays halaal in Islam?
Q: Is it allowed for a woman to apply wax on her hands or legs for removing hair at home?
Q: My question is that if a man says talaaq to his wife once and says twice in English that you are no more any more. Does talaaq happen here or we just consider it as one talaaq or is it a complete talaaq?
Q: I am a 22 years old male. I am getting white fluid discharge frequently from my penis without any sexual arousal and without any erection. But when I am sexually aroused I get sticky colorless fluid discharge. For the past five months, I do ghusal almost every morning because of this white fluid discharge thinking that it may be mani (semen) to be on safer side. It becomes difficult for me to pray Fajr on time. I am very much depressed. Doctor found no problem with me. It is not thick as mani. I don't know whether sperm is present in this white fluid discharge. When I am awake I wash private parts and do wudu. But my question arises only after sleeping everytime. My question is:
1) Do I have to do ghusl every time when I get this white fluid discharge when sleeping? (90% of the days I don't remember having erotic dreams) 2) Is this mazi or mani? (semen)?
Note: This white fluid comes even when I am not sexually aroused. It comes not more than 2 or 3 drops every time.
Q: Can you confirm please if Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) was created first from noor?
Q: I have a question about steak that is cooked rare without washing. Is this lawful to eat?
Q: My query is regarding inheritance. Zaid has no children or siblings. His parents have also passed away. However, he has four male cousins (paternal cousins) and three female cousins (paternal cousins). When Zaid dies, to whom will his property go?
Q: Two years ago I got engaged to a girl and then I told her that if you want to live with me, you have to control yourself and don't do anything which affects our relation other wise if you do, I will do more bad and no sorry will be accepted then. She promised me that I will not do anything like that. But now after three months of my marriage I know that my wife was in a friendship with someone on the internet before marriage. Now I am confused what to do? I am not talking to her from 7 days. I want to know about my problem. What should I do according to the Islamic point of view?