Wet dream


1. If a man has a wet dream and finds wetness on his garment but the wetness is less than a diameter of 2.75cm, is ghusl still necessary?

2. If a man finds mazi of a diameter less than 2.75cm but he does not remember having a wet dream, is ghusl still necessary?

Marital problems

Q: I am so stressed. I want a divorce from my husband but he is not agreeing. We had a secret Nikaah nobody knows about it till now. Now that the situations are worst and I can't continue to be his wife, I asked for divorce but he is not agreeing. Please tell me a wazifa which could help or anything. Please help me in this critical time please. What should I do?


Q: My question is about a very sensitive issue. If a person touched the private parts of his uncle's wife while she was asleep with lust but afterwards he realized it is a great sin. What is the Islamic ruling for him? What should he do for tawba.

Terminating a partnership

Q: I have decided to terminate my partnership and need help regarding the following:

1) We will be finalising the balance sheet and come to a nett figure. Is it correct to calculate the nett value of the business after depreciating all the assets to current market value?

2) All accounts receivables will be calculated at 100% recovery rate less standard discounts that clients would normally take. This figure will than be used as the nett value against monies receivable. The partners agreed to this recovery rate.

3) The partners have agreed on a repayment plan.

Is the exiting partner entitled to a profit share whilst the outstanding monies of his hasn't been paid from the business. Does this apply whether the exiting partner comes to the work place or not. We understand that as partners we are not entitled to a fixed salary but rather to profit share.

4) Is charging for future earnings permissible. Is there any kitaab that we can read that will have shariah rules to answer all the complexities of desolving a business partnership. May Allah Ta'ala guide us all.

Method of performing umrah

Q: I would really like to know the exact and correct Hanafi method of performing Umrah in detail, i.e. from the very beginning till the end. (I do not require anything on hajj. Only the Umrah itself) Where to put on Ihraam, where to go from there, what are the duas, what intentions to make, how to make tawaaf, how to make sa'ee, what duas to recite during them, where to drink zam zam, how to make dua standing on safaa and marwa etc. I want to know everything in detail recommended for a Hanafi to carry out in Umrah. Also, I will be visiting Musjid-un-Nabawi and the blessed grave of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). I would like to know the aadaab and etiquettes upon visiting them. Also the aadaab upon entering Madinah Munawwarah.