Coming late for Jumuah Salaah

Q: Please can you advise if a person's Jumuah Salaah is accepted in the following situations and if not, then how should one make up for it:

1. A person arrives late and the first part of the khutbah has finished?

2. A person arrives late and the khutbah has finished, but manages to join in the first rakaah?

3. A person arrives late and misses the khutbah and first rakaah of Jumuah Salaah?

4. A person arrives on time for the khutbah but does not listen attentively to the khutbah.

5. Please can you advise if the second part of the khutbah is one which is read everywhere and does not change or are their different versions?

Web hosting

Q: We are selling dedicated servers to customer in the U.S. They purchase this service from us and than use it for their business, etc. We do not know what they will use this service for. They use the server for marketing etc. We do not sell such a service to the person who is going use it unlawfully and in a wrong way but when we can not recognise where they will use this service, than what can we do? Can we provide them hosting service? Is it permissible to for us deal with them? This server and hosting service can be use in both ways permissible and impermissible ways. It depend on customers usage. Please advise us.

Dirt or sunblock remaining on one's face after making wudhu


1. After making wudhu, dirt on the cheek remains even after washing the cheek, is the wudhu valid or must the that part of the face be washed again?

2. After making wudhu, sunblock on the face remains even after washing that part of the face, is the wudhu valid?

3. After making wudhu, the dirt (like sand which you normally find when awakening from sleep) remains in the corner of the eye even after washing that part of the face in wudhu, is the wudhu valid?