Helping a poor Muslim with zakaat

Q: Can I zakaat give to a person who needs help for his business. He is poor but he can fullfil his daily food and clothing needs. He has a home also in the village but he can not do business due to money, so that his financial condition can improve. If we can help him, Insha Allah his condition will get better. Please guide me.

Premarital relationship

Q: I had been engaged for one year and I just talked to my fiancee on mobile and crossed every limit on mobile. She left me after one year and immediately married  her bhabi's brother . I saw her after her marriage, she came before me on call in front of her family. She said that she told her parents that she did not agree to the engagement but her mother said she is lying and her bhaabi had done black magic on her. I am very confused and upset and can't forget the talks and her.

Facing the wrong direction when performing Salaah

Q: A family moves into an apartment, they use a well known Qibla finding app to locate the Qibla direction and pray. Months later a neighbour points out that the direction is wrong and they must face the other direction. The difference is about 90 degrees apart. What happens to those Salaah that were prayed in the incorrect direction, are they valid or do they need to be repeated? 

Urine drops problem

Q: I am suffering from urine incontinence, but my problem is very strange. Whenever after washing my private part, a drop of urine comes out after washing it, rest of the time urine drops comes but randomly.

1. My question is if I keep washing private part, a single drop of urine will keep coming right afterwards, am I considered a ma'zoor?

2. My second question is what if I got 10 minutes in between (washing private part and till the drop of urine comes out), do I have to read my Salaah at home or musjid?

Urine from the child's diaper leaking in the haram

Q: I was doing umrah last Thursday with my husband and kids. When I offering salaah in safa marwa I saw some water. That time I was not sure whether it was water or urine leaked from by daughter's diaper. But after I left haram I realized that  that was urine. I am so scared. What do I do? That urine must be touched the feet of many people in the haram. What will be my punishment. I am very scared. Please guide me.

Premarital relationship

Q: I want to ask a question about dating in Islam. I am dating a guy whom I love so dearly,we both want to get married in the future but there is a deep urge within me to be just a pious Muslim and stop all the bad things I am doing. So what I really want to know is if he and I repent to Allah and try to get engaged in the Islamic way, will Allah forgive us and accept our marriage as a lawful one in Islam. We both are pursuing our bachelor's degree and we want to wait until after that. I have been seeking answers for the past few weeks but a friend told me that the likelihood of Allah forgiving you of a sin you know is bad and still do is 0.1. So I am confused, I really need help.

Eating out

Q: I personally dislike visiting restaurants/eating out, because I feel they are places of the dunya and a waste of money. However, my wife enjoys visiting restaurants and wants me to take her out to eat now and again. She agrees that we only go to places which have pardah facilities (screens), no music and reliable halaal food. Should I take my wife out to eat since this is important for her, and be thankful for the fact that she is particular with her parda and avoiding haram? Or should I follow my own feeling that eating out shows love of the dunya and is a waste of time and money, and thus refuse to take her out? If so, what alternatives can I provide her to keep her happy? My wife's background is such that she is not happy just sitting at home.