Protecting one's family and wealth

Q: What is understood from the Hadith below?

Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said that “Whoever is killed whilst defending his wealth will be regarded as a martyr”. Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallahu Anhu) reported: “A man came to the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and asked: “O Messenger of Allah! What shall I do if someone comes to me with the intention of taking away my property?’’ Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) replied: “Do not hand it over to him.” The man asked: “What shall I do if he fights me?’’ The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “Then fight him.” The man asked: “What will be my position in the Hereafter if he has killed me?’’ The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) replied: “In that case you are a martyr.” The man again asked: “What if I killed him?’’ The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) replied, “He will be in the Hell-fire.” (Muslim)

What should one do when being hijacked or robbed? Should you fight off the thieves and risk that they might hurt you or just give in and let them take your wealth?

Forex trading


1. I want to say one more thing here that trading in gold online is a forex trading. It is like shares of gold. If I buy it, I will get like gold lots/shares (electronic form) and when I will sell it, my broker will sell those shares (gold lots) to forex. and I will get money. So gold rate in forex are changing by international market rates. And I am not selling these electronic gold every day, it will be once in a month or after 15 days. Mean it is not like everyday game as I saw shares are not allowed if done on daily basis but long term are permissible in Islam.

2. As or the possession, I am believing that if I have gold or as form of shares in my electronic account, I have possession of it and when my broker sell to other company, possession is given to the new buyer or forex company. And if you emphasize that physical possession is necessary, can you please tell me in the shadow of hadith or Quran verses where it is clearly mentioned that physical possession or just possession?

3. What is the punishment of eating Haram on day of judgement? Is it depends on Allah will? Like many sins will depend on Allah, if he wants, he will forgive them but the sins like haqooq al ibaad, only we need to clear them with other people.

Salaatul Istisqaa

Q: If Salaatul Istisqaa is performed for 3 days and rain has not come. Should the Salaah be performed again? If the Salaah has to be performed again, should it be performed immediately or after a period of time?

Performing the nikaah at the bride's house

Q: Please advise on the below scenario as well as questions. Insha Allah I am getting married in December in Cape Town, and I am from natal. The wedding and walima will be taking place in Cape Town. The Imam will perform the nikah at the house, as the nearest masjid is far away from the house. Is this allowed in Islaam? or does the nikah have to take place in the Masjid. For us to have the Walima, what are the requirements that need to take place. May Allah Ta'ala reward you for your assistance.