Qurbaani & Halaal Slaughter

Slaughtering exotic animals whose meat is of an inferior quality for qurbaani

Q: I wanted to find out with regards to the size and type of animal for qurbaani. Every year in our house we slaughter lambs (good quality, lovely animals) however in the recent years some family members have been saying that we should get exotic animals, most of these are just for the looks and alot of the time the meat is of an inferior quality.

I wanted to know is there any extra thawaab with regards to slaughtering a bigger/stronger/exotic animal in the eyes of Allah Ta'ala.

Doing a blood test during the first ten days of Zul Hijjah

Q: I have a question regarding the first ten days of Zul Hijjah.

I'm going to perform qurbaani inshallah and I heard that I can't cut my hair and nails for 10 days before qurbaani. I have an appointment to give blood for testing and I was wondering if this is permissible or is it haram like cutting hair and nails in the first 10 days of Zul Hijjah ?

Calculating the age of an animal for qurbaani according to the Islamic date

Q: We slaughter goats for Qurbaani. We understand that a goat needs to be one year old. Must it be an Islamic year, or English?

The farmer gave us the date of the birth of this goat, and it was born on the same date as Eid (Islamic date), exactly a year ago. So it's exactly 1 year old, must we still check if it was born in the morning or afternoon, to make make sure we dont slaughter it before time?

Distributing qurbaani meat to relatives

Q: A person thought that he will distribute 15 kg qurbaani meat to some beggars and he will tell his mother to distribute 15 kg meat to some beggars, but after that his mother said to him that you can distribute that meat 15kg) among relatives (who cannot do qurbaani), poor people and beggars. The person distributed that meat to relatives, beggars and poor people. Is there any problem in that?