Qurbaani & Halaal Slaughter

Cutting one's nails and hair after one's qurbaani animal is slaughtered in another country

Q: A person refrains from cutting his nails/hair due to performing qurbani.

He follows Saudi for Eid (20th of July) whilst his wakeel doing the qurbani for him does so on Eid day in India (21st of July).

Does he therefore need to spend his Eid with long nails etc until the wakeel has slaughtered his animal the next day? If so, he also has no way of finding out what time of the day on the 21st the animal will be slaughtered, so how does he know what time of the day to cut the nails/hair?

Two shareholders putting in extra money to bring down the share price in a cow

Q: A family wishes to slaughter a cow for qurbaani. However, some of the members are on a budget. In order to please the parents, can 2 shareholders put in extra to bring down the share price of the others, making it affordable? (e.g. The purchase price of the animal with which the parents are happy is R28 000. 2 shareholders will pay R5000 each and the rest will pay R3600.) Only the 2 shareholders paying more is aware of the extra and keeping it a secret from the others not to offend them and also to keep them happy.

Stunning animals before slaughter

Q: Can Mufti Saheb please explain how come stunning of animals before slaughter is not permissible. I only eat the meat of unstunned animals and my family members are saying that they have never heard of this and I'm making up my own rules and all these years everyone has been eating meat certified by Sanha.

I was also told that by stunning of all animals, is torture to the animal, can result in death, which is hard to ascertain at the time of slaughter, as the animal is already unconscious due to stunning, and that it also prevents the animal from kicking and the heart pumping out all the najis blood that makes it halaal, as the Islamic way of slaughter (as one has to cut the jugular and 2/3 arteries in order for all the najis blood to flow out) and that stunning of livestock (cows, sheep etc.) is reversible. In this case won't the meat of the animal that is stunned be carrion and haraam in any case?

Using dead fish as bait and sport fishing


1. Are we allowed to use real dead fish as bait when fishing? Meaning, not the rubber bait, bait like sardines, etc. 

2. Are we also allowed to catch and release fish?

3. If 'no' for the above question, the law says that certain fish must be a certain length and they should not be endangered, etc. and if they don't meet those requirements they must be released, or else you can get fined if caught. So if the answer is 'no' for question 2 then what should we do. Will we be sinful if we release the fish once we caught it, because you don't really know what size fish and species you catching until you caught it.