Hajj & Umrah

Making tawaaf on a wheelchair

Q: I am planning to go for umrah with my father who is elderly. He can walk slowly, but it would take extremely long time for him to perform the tawaafs and sa'ee walking, and he would have to stop many times to rest. Will it be permissible to take him in a wheelchair, even though he technically can walk, since this would be easier for him?

Is it compulsory upon the husband to take his wife for Hajj

Q: I planned to go for Hajj with my wife but she got pregnant and then I went alone and performed Hajj this year. My question is: Is it compulsory on me to take my wife for Hajj; if yes then when? (I heard I can't go for Hajj for next five years according to Saudi Hajj Policy as I just performed Hajj this year) Is it fardh on the husband to take his wife for Hajj?

Delaying the tawaaf-e-ziyaarah

Q: A person delayed doing his tawaaf-e-ziyarah till the last few hours before sunset on the 12th Zul Hijjah. Whilst proceeding from Mina to complete the tawaf-e-ziyaarah, the police prevented him from proceeding to makkah. He attempted going through the police blockade a few times but to no avail. The time period prescribed to complete the tawaaf-e-ziyaarh thus elapsed (i.e. sunset on the 12th Zul Hijjah). Will damm be wajib on him ?