Dress & Attire

Hairstyles for Muslim women

Q: I have a question regarding hairstyles of women.

1. What hairstyles does the shariah command us to make and what type of hairstyles to abstain from?

2. Is it compulsory for women to style their hair in such a way that the hair falls through the sides and the mid line of the scalp is seen?

3. Is their any punishment for not keeping the mid line of the front scalp shown?

Woman wearing jeans and short shirts at home

Q: Can Muslim women wear jeans at home? I live with my parents. Whenever I go out I usually wear an abbaya but at home I usually wear jeans with sometimes short shirts. Is this also considered imitating men? I mean there is alot of difference in men's and women's shirts.

So is wearing these kind of shirts with jeans at home also haraam? Many women nowadays wear jeans so is this also considered imitating men?