Dress & Attire

Women's clothing

Q: According to shariah, it is said that a woman should wear loose clothing. So, what type of dresses come under this title and what was the style of clothing worn by our Sahaabiyyas as I have heard that Ayesha radhiyallahu anha once liked a kurta which she later gave it in charity.

Men removing body hair


1. Is it permissable for males to remove hair on the following body parts: the chest, feet, hands and forearms, and legs.

2. While making masah of a zulfar in wudhu, is it permissible to groom the hair, e.g wetting it and grooming it in such a way where one ensures that it is neat.

Wearing an Amaamah (Turban)

Q: Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to wear ammamah and it can be any cloth wrapped on head? It is not specific to Indian pagri or Saudi sughra? Like the Arab sughra or like wearing kufi and then placing a cloth on it like what imams of haram wear is sunah?

Women trimming uneven hair

Q: My hair is passed my hips. When I cut my hair when coming out of ihraam, I cut it bent so the end of my hair is uneven. Would it be permissable to straighten it so its 1 length. The purpose is not to imitate kuffar or fashion, because the uneven hair can sometimes look unattractive.