Dress & Attire

Cutting the beard

Q: I came to know that In Shafi Madhab cutting beard is Makrooh (disliked) as said by their two great Shaikhs, Shaikh Al Nawai and I forgot the name of the other Shaikh. Can I follow Shafi madhab in the ruling of cutting the beard as I follow the Hanafi madhab but because I am feeling great resistance from society.

Going to salons for hair removal

Q: I struggle with hair removal in my private areas. I have tried to keep my razor clean, often disinfecting it, but I struggle with thrush, pimples which contain pus and intense burning and itching to such an extent that I can't walk properly. I have very sensitive skin so that affected me greatly. When I was in ihraam for umrah, it even affected me then. The pimples left scarring which also left me embarrassed in front of my husband. I have gone for a full bikini wax at a salon and it helped me tremendously and I am comfortable to go about my day. However. I have heard that it is haraam to get a bikini wax if someone else does it for you. I have tried to do it to myself, but I caused a lot of harm and pain when I tried. Please help me as I don't know what my options are anymore. I would like to continue to go for the waxing, but now that I hear that it's haraam for someone else to do, I'm very scared to do so. Please assist me.

Trimming an uneven beard

Q: I live in Pakistan. In the community I live, its pretty modern. I'm 17 and have beard which do not fully cover the face. The problem is that its is out of shape. On the side burn and under face its is too much, while on the cheek there is nothing. People usually mock me. Am I allowed to cut the extra hairs, Not shaving until the beard totally covers my face and then start growing it on level base. My father is posted to capital of Country which most advance area as well as modern. All my old friends live there. When they will see me with disordered beard, they will surely mock me.