Dress & Attire

Threading one's eyebrows

Q: My husband really wants me to thread my eyebrows. Unless I thread/shape my eyebrows than I feel he may cheat or look at other women. Hence affect the marriage. I was told we shud obey our husbands except if he stops women from doing farz things for Allah. I am confused, in such cases am I allowed to thread/shape my eyebrows, otherwise I know the prophet curses the women who shapes her eyebrows. I don't know what to do.

Threading one's eyebrows

Q: I know that the Prophet curses a women who threads her eyebrows. But in Islam, nikah is taken very seriously and Allah hates divorce. Also a wife is supposed to obey her husband. I heard it is ibbadah, obeying your husband. My husband would like me to thread my eyebrows. Now I feel insecure, I feel he will look at other women because I keep refusing and he really wants me to thread. In such cases are we allowed to thread our eyebrows. My marriage is at stake.

Using make-up

Q: Soon I am getting married and I am bound to have makeup from a parlour on my wedding day and I dont know which makeup brand the parlour uses, whether it is halaal or haraam makeup. Will the namaz be valid with such makeup of which halaal/haraam status is unknown?