Dress & Attire

Wearing uniform

Q: Is it permissible for males to take a job at a place where it is compulsory for employees to wear a uniform (a company branded shirt and pants)? I do not refer to places where the work may require it, such as work overalls for a diesel mechanic or a painter. I ask regarding office jobs, retail, computer support, waiters in a restaurant etc. Muslim businesses also have these uniform requirements for Muslim staff.

What is izaar?

Q: There is a Hadith in behisti jeor that Rasulullah (sallallahu Alayhi wasallam) said, "May Allah have mercy over the women who wear izaar". What is izaar? How can I put this hadeeth into practice (by wearing what cloth)?

Difficulty in wearing abaaya and scarf

Q: I am trying to wear abaaya and scarf. My nafs are troubling me a lot and it is making it difficult. Also my husband is modern so I also have thoughts like I'm not dresses smart enough etc. And nowadays females dress up a lot and also I do notice my husbands eyes do wander and also he does dress up so I feel like his dressed up and I'm not. What advice can you give me to make it easier for me?

Another question is that If one is trying to wear abaya and scarf and I look at the clothing in a mall which are not Shar'ia compliant and feel in there heart that those clothes are so smart and maybe that wearing abaya and scarf is hard but doesn't say it out loud rather they pulled a face that could have been despondent or could have not been is that kufar? Or if they sigh out of difficulty of wearing abaya and scarf, is that kufar?