Dress & Attire

Wearing a shawl

Q: I want to know, if it is possible, if you can share any hadeeth that prove the wearing of a shawl and if possible Insha Allah what was the Sunnah way of wearing a shawl?

Wearing sarees

Q: I would like to know why Muslims can't wear saree? Saree is Indian cloths and most Indian women wear saree. Why can't Muslims wear saree? Whats wrong with saree? I heard from someone even if the saree is fully covered with no skin showing of a woman it is still not allowed. Why? Most people in India are Mulims and wear saree, does this means they are sinning? We wear lots of other jewellery and cloths which are from India and made in india are they also forbidden to use? Why so much racism in Islam?

Wearing a shawl

Q: I see many Qaris and imaams wearing a shawl over their shoulders and some use the Saudi scarf and put it over their shoulders. I wanted to ask if this is part of the Sunnah dressing of Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم and why do they wear this shawl / scarf?