Dress & Attire

Hair dye

Q: I wanted to color my hair to brown, is it permissible to do so? I read on islamqa.info that it is permissible, but is it really the case?

Imitation rings

Q: We teaching revert ladies. Coming to the type of rings permissible to wear, we explained metal jewellery are not permissible because the idol worshippers used to use it. Now some questions arose. Please give us some clear and simple answer to their understanding Insha Allah.

1) Why is it not permissible to wear imitation rings (i.e the event behind it if there is) and do the idol worshippers used to have a certain tradition behind it or is it just that they used to use it?

2) Why is it then permissible to wear imitation jewellery (besides rings)?

3) Some jewellery are made of animal skin especially (south african) traditional jewellery. Is it allowed to wear such? Even in namaaz?

Burying hair

Q: Please tell me what Ii should do with my fallen hair which I have collected since 10 years. I am not throwing it out because I don't know where to throw it? If I throw it in the sea, won't it cause harm to the fish? Shall I bury it in a Muslim graveyard?