
Dispute with the Musjid commity regarding the Musjid boundary

Q: We have an issue at home, we have a property of Musjid shareef (shops and darsgah) on one side of our house. At that time they put windows and part of roof in our land, now we have construct a house and we completed the ground floor and we are constructing the second floor. At the second floor we have maintained the space of 3 feet as per their roof. But they are saying you have not maintained that gap right from ground floor. So suggest us if we will should give them compensation for the land which comes under our house at ground floor (which they are saying that it belongs to them and we are saying it is ours). Please advise us according to Qur'an and Sunnah.

Making an announcement in the Musjid regarding the sighting of the moon

Q: Can announcing the sighting of the new moon in the masaajid be considered a bidah. For the month of Ramadhaan and for both Eids I would think that it is important. But for the other months of the year is just writing on the musjid board not sufficient. Please comment and if possible give reference to practices during the time of our Beloved Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).