
Non-Muslim donating money towards the building of a Musjid


1) If a non-muslim ( hindu or christian, etc ) gives money towards the building of a mosque, is it acceptable?

2) If the whole project of building a mosque has been financed by a non-muslim, can we pray in such a mosque? Will our prayers be acceptable?

3) If a non-muslim has financed the building of a madrasah, or some classes of that madrasah, is that acceptable? Can our children learn there?

Passing wind in the Musjid

Q: I sat in i'tikaaf this year alhumdulillah. But my question is approximately every 15-20 minutes I needed to past wind (due to digestive problems). It was very hard for me to pray taraweeh and the other salaahs but Alhumdulillah I managed. So will I get sin for passing wind in masjid?

Kitaab reading immediately after Salaah

Q: In many Masjids we see a kitab being read, mostly immediately after Fajr entitled 5 Minutes Madrassah. Prior to the reading of this kitab it was noted that ample time was given to complete masnoon Tasbihat. Now that reading of the kitab has commenced, what happens is that a person
reciting Ayatul Kursi, Subhanallah 33 times, Alhumdulillah 33 times and Allahuakbar 34 times only gets half or three quarters of the way through just these mamoolats and Ijtimai congregational Du'a on the microphone starts, which is also shortened and then reading of the kitab on the microphone then commences. The questions therefore are as follows:

1. Is it permissible to shorten and therefore interrupt the musallis individual Tasbihat so that Ijtimai Du'a and kitab reading on the microphone can all be fitted in?

2. What should an individual do in this situation. Should he continue with his mamoolats whilst Ahadith, Qur'an ayats from the kitab are being read by the Imam over the microphone or should he cut short his recitations and/or his own individual Du'a and listen to what is being read?

3. Is it permissible for the Imam to disturb the Masbooq by conducting congregational Ijtimai Du'a and kitab reading on the microphone on the basis that it is for the greater good?