
Imaamat Punctuality


  1. In today's times we have devices which show time to the second; and such devices(phones, watches,etc) are carried about on  almost every person throughout the working day, since in South Africa people work in accordance with time and are paid accordingly; and it is through such incomes that Imaams are paid their salaries.
  2. There are also contractual obligations in respect of time between Muslim musallees and their employers and between Muslim employers and their employees.
  3. Both the Muslim employer and Muslim employee contribute to the Imaam's salaries; but more importantly they must be bound by their contractual obligations which involve being punctual.
  4. It is common practice throughout South Africa that Salaah times are fixed to the minute; and this is evident from Maghrib and Fajar more so than the other Salaah times. Hence there is no question that time must be kept to the minute and Imaams must be punctual to the minute for each Salaah.
  5. Salaah is also not lengthy especially Zohar and Asar; due to employment circumstances in our country amongst other reasons.
  6. But some Molanas/ Imaams throw the Sunnah in the face of the congregation (that Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) used to pitch up later than the scheduled salaah time for Imaamat) to hide behind their own lack of punctuality and discipline regarding respect for time concerning Musallees and their employment related contractual obligations; and such Imaams or Moulanas thereby portray a blunt disregard towards this and hence disrespect the obligations of Musallees and disrespect the arrangement of time set for commencement of Salaah with Jamaat.
  7. Please lay out the conditions under which Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) came later than the arranged time to lead prayers.
  8. Also say what is the Islamic ruling in terms of today's South African circumstances relating to Musallee's employment contractual obligations to be punctual , and an Imaam who disrespects such circumstances and selfishly begins Salaah against the arranged times.
  9. Is it better for the Imaam to be punctual or is it acceptable for the Imaam to have the attitude that "if anybody goes ahead to perform the Salaah other than me when I am late; such Salaah is null and void (gone!), you must wait for me!"
  10. This Imaam fails to attend Fajar with Jamaat more than twice a month; recently in the past week its twice or thrice that he failed to attend Fajar in the Mosque. So when Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) was late for Salaah, did it ever happen that he never
    pitched up at all for such Salaah (except the time he was on his death-bed)?
  11. Yes there a number of Musalleehs that object against this Imaams failure to be punctual; and they are of the view that such conduct by this Imaam is indeed unacceptable.

Loaning Musjid money to pay of the outstanding amount of another Musjid

Q: There is a masjid in our city which just has been constructed. The administration of this particular masjid have a outstanding amount of money which they owe to the contractor who has built the masjid by the end of June 2009. (approximate $400,000). So in the light of jurisprudence is it permissible for one masjid or a number of masajid to lend this particular masjid a loan from their monies which they have collected from the people in the form of donations for a particular cause for example construction of the masjid or masjid upkeep etc, so that they can make the timely payment.

In summary, is it permissible to transfer/lend a waqf of one place to another place which is also a waqf with the promise of return/repayment?

Any assistance will be highly appreciated.

Musjid extension

Q: Our Musjid, has gone through an extension on the left side, However there is a separating wall (not completely separated few rows the an entrance, and few rows again) in between the Original Musjid and the extension. The extension is used for itikaf and is part of the Musjid. Usually on Jumma or when the musjid gets full the extension is used. The set up is similar to Musjidun Nabawai alhis salam. where outside the the front row continues, separated by walls:

  1. Is the reward the same when standing in the front row,between the separating walls?
  2. Should the original Musjid be filled 1st, then the extension or vice versa?
  3. Can I stand alone in the extension to get the reward of filling the front rows?