
Using the Musjid as a thoroughfare

Q: To use the Musjid as a thoroughfare is makrooh. However, some ulama say that if one needs to pass through the musjid to get to the other side, then he should stop in the musjid, make one sajdah, and then pass to the other side, because sajdah is an ibaadat-e-maqsoodah, so if a person does an ibaadat-e-maqsoodah and then goes out the other way it will be jaaiz. Is this correct? Is there any other way out to this masla? Especially in places like the haram shareef and other big musjids, it becomes difficult to walk right around the musjid.

A certain Masjid committee invested in the Oasis company on behalf of the Masjid

Q: A certain Masjid committee invested in the Oasis company on behalf of the Masjid. At that time they had not known that it was Haraam. By the time the committee discovered that it was Haraam the investment had already accrued 100 000 rands profit. The question now is that what should be done with the profits gained? A certain Aalim says that since the money belongs to the community, the trustees of the Masjid will have to take them into consideration when getting rid of the money. Another Aalim says that the money is Waqf. Therefore, the trustees will have the independent right of spending the money wherever it may be appropriate without consulting the public. Which of the 2 opinions are correct?

With regards to where the money should be spent, the first Aalim says that it could be spent to build some toilets for the Masjid, etc.. The second Aalim says that there certain people in the community who are heavily involved in debt. Among them 2 are deserving of Zakaat and the third although he is not deserving of Zakaat but he is having difficulty in paying the debt. Therefore, this money should be spent in paying off these peoples debts. Which opinion should be taken?

Distributing Sweet meats from the Musjid funds

Q: In the next few days Insha-Allah (September 9th 2010) we will be having the Khatmul Quran for the Taraweeh prayers. A few members of the administration have suggested that sweets (mithia/halwa) be distributed on this occasion while other members have objected saying that the masjid funds cannot be used for such purposes. It should be noted that the masjid has 3 different accounts. 1 is the project account which is used for the construction of the masjid. 2nd is the Zakat account and 3rd is a general account that is used for the masjid maintance/upkeep and to pay for the ongoing expenses (utilities etc.) of the masjid. The members who would like to distribute sweets are of the opinion that this is an expense for the masjid therefore there should be no reservations regarding the matter.

We will be highly grateful if the Ulema can clarify for us the matter in the light of the Islamic Laws of Waqf if it is allowed to use the masjid funds  for such purposes.

Clean shaven Qaris from Egypt


  1. Many imaams allowed a clean shaven qari from Egypt to recite in their masjid. Is this acceptable?
  2. Is this not tantamount to honoring a faasiq?
  3.  Some moulanas who are hanafis say the shafee mazhab does not emphasize the beard. Therefore we can allow a clean shaven qari to read the qiraat.
  4. One aalim say we must have unity. invite the modernists, barelvis, etc. - unity first.
  5. Some say we want to listen to the qu'aan, we are honoring the quraan not the qari?